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Greg Clark September 17th, 2012 04:20 PM

Decrease Clip Speed Problem
When I select an HDV clip in CS5.5 and decrease clip speed to half it won't play back smoothly. I never had a problem with my old CS3. Any suggestions?

Ann Bens September 18th, 2012 03:23 PM

Re: Decrease Clip Speed Problem
Render first, see how that works for you.

Marco Dias September 19th, 2012 08:10 AM

Re: Decrease Clip Speed Problem
I don't think he is talking about rendering. I am busy testing out CS6 and the same thing happens even after rendering the clip.

Even playing around with "Field options" doesn't sort out the issue.

If there's trees or jewellery in the shot, the image flickers. This happens with SD/DV and HDV. (Sony FX1E)

I'm sure this doesn't happen with cameras that film progressive.

Greg, what camera are you using?

Greg Clark September 19th, 2012 08:52 AM

Re: Decrease Clip Speed Problem
I don't believe it is a render problem. I am using a Canon XH-A1 and an HV30. It just occurred to me that the HV30 with only one CMOS chip might be the problem and not the 3CCD XH-A1.

Ann Bens September 19th, 2012 05:38 PM

Re: Decrease Clip Speed Problem
I have a A1 and i do not have speed/flickering problems neither in CS5 or CS6.
Use whole numbers like 50%, 25%, etc.
You might want to check the manual: the hv30 has 1 CCD and not 1 CMOS.
And it does not make any difference if a camera has 1 ccd or 3 cdd for slowing down speed in a NLE. 3ccd's means more colourinformation.

Greg Clark September 27th, 2012 04:46 PM

Re: Decrease Clip Speed Problem
Ann you are the pro and I appreciate your help. I just completed a Bluray DVD and when viewing on TV it had one bad 5 second modulating part and when I viewed it on my computer I had made it 50% and Reverse direction. It was a section of HDV footage shot with my little HV30 which Is a one chip CMOS. (so says the manual).
Ann Premiere Pro should be able to handle speed changes and even reverse.

Ann Bens September 29th, 2012 07:04 AM

Re: Decrease Clip Speed Problem
Try Always deinterlace or Flicker Removal in the Field Options.
You are correct Canon HV camera's are cmos, but still not the cause of not playing back the footage correctly.
Is your machine up to the task?

Bart Walczak October 1st, 2012 08:59 AM

Re: Decrease Clip Speed Problem
Try turning on frame blending. It was turned on by default in CS3. Perhaps this is what you're missing. Not that results are that great...

Greg Clark October 1st, 2012 10:10 AM

Re: Decrease Clip Speed Problem
Another interesting phenomenon. When I downgrade the project for DVD output the video is perfect. Only a problem burning through Encore to Bluray. I will try all suggestions.

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