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Gerald Webb November 20th, 2011 04:26 AM

Fly out text in After Effects
Hey Boys and Girls,
Can anyone point me in the right direction of a tute or plug in to do flying out text?
Easy, you all say, I would say that too, but,
What about if I said I wanted to do maybe 150 names over about 60- 90 sec and I really dont want to have to animate every one.
Ideally, be able to copy from an email the list of names and somehow be able to drop into the comp as a layer for each name?? Can this be done? Script maybe?
Browsed the animated text presets, but cant seem to find anything that looks right.
Closest thing I can think of is like the first time you boot Snow Leopard, the Mac intro.....
Any thoughts at all will be most appreciated.

Justin Molush November 20th, 2011 11:20 AM

Re: Fly out text in After Effects
Video with example?

Gerald Webb November 20th, 2011 12:59 PM

Re: Fly out text in After Effects
This is what I was thinking, but it doesn't have to break up or be so 3d space complex.
Just need an easy way to get bulk names to fly out. The more I think about it, the main issue is how to turn a long PDF, Notepad etc, into 100s of layers.
After that its easy,
Make up one with its Z space keyframes,
Copy/paste to all layers,
Use Andrew Kramers Sequencer script to stagger the start of each layer,
Apply a bit of Wiggle expression to the X and Y space of all layers ( or maybe create a nice wide camera and apply a soft wiggle to its x,y point of interest?)

The importing is the only real pain :(

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