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Kent Fraser May 18th, 2011 04:33 PM

how can I get my missing frame back? mts and CS4
Well, I'm a frustrated Production Premium CS4 (4.2.1) user.

Sadly, I discovered what appears to be a problem many others have encountered... a bad frame at the end of an mts clip.

I've imported the entire directory from the memory card via media browser and all is well until I butt together two consecutive .mts files. The last frame of the first file shows a green frame and has no audio. I can cut the frame -which is a painful option-, spend more money which hurts a lot, or hope that someone has found some sort of work-around that is not nearly as painful as either of the above.

I've posted a similar question at Adobe. So far it's not looking too good. I'm hoping there's someone out there who knows of some way to avoid more pain. I'm sick thinking that I have to upgrade/spend more money in order to edit AVCHD from my Canon camera in Adobe.

Will Cineform do anything for me with this issue? What about some sort of program that unites all the mts files into one so that there are no "seams" in the video? Anyone have experience with this problem?


Roger Averdahl May 19th, 2011 01:52 AM

Re: how can I get my missing frame back? mts and CS4
I assume that when you write "butt together two consecutive .mts files" you have done a shooting that is longer than approx 20 minutes.

No, CineForm won't fix this issue for you. AFAIK it not even their plan to support joining of consecutive clips in future releases.

However, MTSMerger.exe can join two or more consecutive clips successfully: http://vontraining.net/download. Download it and try it. I have used it when i used CS4. :)

It can be fixed manually as well in Windows:
1. Press WIN+R
2. Type cmd and press Enter
3. Navigate to the folder where the files are located
4. Type copy 00000.mts /b + 00001.mts /b + 00002.mts /b output.mts
5. Press Enter
6. Wait until it is done. (It takes several minutes to complete.)

FYI, Premiere Pro CS5 and CS5.5 fix it automatically for you.

Iker Riera May 19th, 2011 01:56 AM

Re: how can I get my missing frame back? mts and CS4
i use this when this happens (usually on long interviews where the file break into two or more pieces).

It's free btw
MTS File Joiner

This joins the mts files perfectly without the missing/dropped frame in the middle. Plus it just joins them together wit no compression so it's the same raw file and the whole proccess takes just a couple of seconds. Just make sure they're named in the order they should go and the programs does the rest.

Kent Fraser May 19th, 2011 07:25 AM

Re: how can I get my missing frame back? mts and CS4
Thanks for the responses Roger and Iker. Yes, the multiple mts files are a result of shooting longer than approx 20 minutes. I'm very encouraged by your suggestions. I will give these a try and hopefully all will be well.

I'll report back when I'm done


Kent Fraser May 19th, 2011 09:31 AM

Re: how can I get my missing frame back? mts and CS4
Follow-up: I did the copy command the video played properly... no frame or audio problems.

I then used the MTSMerger program and it did the job... no frame or audio problems.

I then tried MTS File Joiner. Again, it worked as promised... no frame or audio problems.

Thanks for pointing these solutions out to me.


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