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Robi Dvorsek June 14th, 2010 06:30 AM

Preview render quality in Premier CS5
Can some one tell me, what is the quality of preview render?

Is it good and accurate enough to use it with export, or is it better to export it without "Use preview" box checked...

I have two more questions on the preview render subject:
- is it possible to change quality settings of preview renders?
- How does the preferencess settings of Indeterminate media timebase (Perf.->media->..) affects workflow on video, Preview and export? I recenty discovered this option... Up untill now I had it on 29,.. but my footage is 23p... I supose it it should be the same, or am I wrong?

Thank you

Paul Curtis June 14th, 2010 07:56 AM

In most cases (depending on you sequence preset) the previews are done as MPEG I frame only, you can click maximum quality but i'm not sure exactly what that does in this case. There's no additional configuration aside from that.

You'd have to decide whether they were good enough for you based on your material. If you're delivering full resolution then perhaps not. MPEG is 4:2:0 at the best of times and the chroma channels aren't as good as they could be.


Ann Bens June 14th, 2010 03:04 PM

Dont use Preview Files just the Max Render Quality.

Harm Millaard June 14th, 2010 04:07 PM

If hardware MPE is turned on, rendering is done with Maximum Render Quality. In that case it may be a time saver to use preview files, otherwise I agree with Ann.

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