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No question too "Dumb"...Right?...HELP !!
Due to an error while shooting on Saturday, I find myself in a position with having to sync a clip which has no audio (from a multi-camera shoot) visually with the naked eye timewise with clips from the other cameras of which is certainly going to be a difficult challenge. Any of you been in the same predicament? It's a first for me. So, that being stated, here's what I need to know in order to proceed: I placed the "no audio clip" on track 1 and a clip from another camcorder on track 2 of the timeline. How do I simultaneously view/closely review the two clips side by side using PPros monitor windows so hopefully they can be synced with some diligence, perseverance & luck! Any pointers, observatons and solutions are most welcomed. I need to dig myself out of the hole here with your expert help. Thanks in advance. |
Look for a loud 'bang' which is also visible, like the clicking of a photo camera with a flash.
Add a marker on the flash in the video, is usually 1 frame. Add a marker at the clicking of the camera in the audio-stream of the other camera. Then sync. Audio track can be set to Audio Units for precise syncing. |
If you are doing this with large clips that are continuous roll, you should be able to find one event to match...then it's all matched.
If you want to mess with the trim monitors, you could razor the no audio clip and the with-audio clip so that they 'edit' together on the same video track with some mutually visible, definitive action. Then you can trim so thet the "match cut" is perfect, and alt-select the video from the video-with-audio clip and hit 'delete'. Then un-trim the audio to extend under the no-audio clip, and un-trim the video clip to match up the audio that was left after you cleared the video portion of the clip. |
I have had to do this on occasion (many moons ago now thankfully, but the process is still the same)
Like Ann said look for one event that is recognizable ie the kiss etc and then search around for the closest flash. Once you find it you can advance frame by frame till your entire screen is lit up with white. ie "the flash" (you can't miss it at this point, very obvious) I will usually razor it there and delete all footage before that point. Next find the exact same flash in the other cams footage the same way you did the first cam. Delete all previous footage as well. now line up the new beginning of each clip (both images start with a flash) and drag out the start of your clip so you once again have full clips that may or may not be the same length anymore but they will be in sync. I usually lock the audio at this point and put both clips in a side by side, picture in picture effect so I can see both at the same time. I clip out the worse of the two clips and delete it saving the better one . I delete the pic in pic effect and then add transitions as needed. works every time. Hope this helped. You should not really have too much trouble doing this as long as they each hit record at the start of the ceremony and didn't hit stop until the end of the ceremony. Otherwise you will be having lots of fun matching flash after flash after flash.... :o) |
My difficulty is this.........
I was not filming a wedding or some other event where pictures were taken. It was a church service.
Therefore a flashbulb cue/an anchor part in that sense is not available. Each of the 5 cameras was positioned at a different angle and distance from the " main action". I have video clips for 3 of them. Not all 3 are continious which further complicates things! I suspect this is going to be very challenging and consume a lot of time. Thanks for your suggestions |
If I may go revisit one of my original questions please
Is possible for one to play 2 different clips side by side within Prem Pro 2 or 3 simultanaously?
Thank you. |
Yes. Use motion/scale/position when using multiple tracks.
Thanks for the confirmation. Since I'm not familiar with any of the components or the elements referred to, would you please break that down for me in some detail or even better yet, lay it out in a series of steps? Much oblidged! I will be wiser for asking and learning. |
1 Attachment(s)
Look at the attachment:
I see this was a screenshot from CS 4 which I do not have.
I clicked on the attachment however the text was so small I could not read it. Would you please do a full sized screenshot and resend? Thanks |
Bruce, if you click the attachment again, it should blow up to full size. All Harm is saying is that you simply stack the clips in the timeline, then shrink the clip on the top layer so the lower becomes visible.
JS |
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