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Old May 10th, 2005, 11:54 AM   #886
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Mac OS X doesn't like to put file extensions on stuff. I just manually add them in.

I think you'll have to either render/convert the clips, or export an edit list or XML from final cut and re-capture off mini-DV tapes.

I would look at batch converting the clips to .AVI files.
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Old May 10th, 2005, 02:12 PM   #887
Roger Matthews
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I finally found someone with the same problem as me, only to find their question hasn't been answered either!

I shot a short on an XL2 in 16:9 24p Advanced mode, and no matter what program/computer I use the footage is garbled like you describe. I believe you're supposed to capture at 29.97, though, since 24p Advanced footage is stil initially contained as an NTSC signal - you'll get missing frames at 23.98.

My problem is a little different in that capturing the footage makes it look no better, with digital artifacting and the horrible garbled audio with gaps. The footage plays back fine on any camcorder (besides Sony ones), so my friend who owns the camera is going to exchange it. I am going to get him to call canon's technical support first.
Old May 10th, 2005, 06:37 PM   #888
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Originally Posted by Patrick Jenkins
Btw... check your playback settings as well. If you use GDI instead of Direct 3D for previewing, you won't get any of the image smoothing that the video card is capable of doing (and you'll get noticable blocks, jaggies, etc).

If you're seeing it on a broadcast monitor or DV->TV out or something, chances are it's an interlacing problem.
does ppro have this option? anyways, i don't thinnk i can change this setting because of my canopus storm plug-in. thanks anyway.
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Old May 10th, 2005, 08:07 PM   #889
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CCE SP and 24p Help

Does anyone out there have any suggestions for doin optimal 24p DVDs with CCE SP? I have an hour and 15 minuets to get on the dvd. Any suggestions on what settings to use? Thanks! Im new to CCE.
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Old May 10th, 2005, 08:59 PM   #890
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garbled and glitchy sound only on export to tape

My PPro project is a 16:9/24p project. If I export to DVD, I get great looking video with great audio. If I export to AVI, I get great video and audio as well. If I export to miniDV tape, my audio becomes intermittently garbled and glitchy.

If I export to AVI, and reimport the AVI into a new project, it plays fine in the timeline w/ clear audio - but if I export that single clip to tape, I get garbled and glitchy sound again.

Does anybody have a fix for this?

I'm about to lose PPro for something else. I loved it while editing, but exporting is kind of a big deal to me too :)

Thanks for *any* tips,
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Old May 10th, 2005, 09:43 PM   #891
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There is a check box for "scale upon import" (the no-hassle way to do it) or you can scale manually in the timeline, but as far as I know, there should be no difference in the end result. Don't know that there's any other ways to do it. Anyone else?
Pete Bauer
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Old May 10th, 2005, 09:54 PM   #892
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The XL2 oversamples at 960x480, but all miniDV is 720x480, regardless whether it is 4:3 or 16:9, and that's what the camera actually puts out via the firewire port. The only difference between narrow and widescreen is the Pixel Aspect Ratio (ie, nonsquare pixels, either height x width = 0.9 or 1.2).

Unless you have a capture card like a Canopus Storm or something, which might use 854x480 square pixels for widescreen, setting any other pixel dimensions for miniDV will just throw things off. The 24p shoudln't have anything to do with aspect ratios, except that Windows Media Player doesn't handle exported 24pA (aka 2:3:3:2) properly, which is a whole separate issue from either the XL2 or PPro themselves.
Pete Bauer
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Old May 11th, 2005, 08:16 AM   #893
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You said that Windows Media Player doesn't handle 24pA properly -- I just exported a 24p project to AVI and the video plays fine in Real Player but in Windows media player it seems to flicker between 16:9 and 4:3 frames. Is this what you're talking about? And do you know why this happens?

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Old May 11th, 2005, 01:18 PM   #894
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Mpeg Encoding Problem-Jumping Frames

Every time I export an Mpeg from the timeline, the last frame of every dissolve or transition "jumps back in," for lack of a better phrase. Also, when I apply any blur effect, i get this really bad kind of interlacing. I don't know how to explain these very well, so here's a clip with examples of both: (the blur effect is at the end.)

This is a big problem whenever I export to DVDs and when I am trying to export web clips. The only workaround I have found is to export to an AVI first, then export that to an MPG. That will be unacceptable when I finsish this 2 hour project.

Thanks, and this is my first post.
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Old May 11th, 2005, 01:48 PM   #895
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Thanks for the help Glenn and Per.
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Old May 11th, 2005, 02:05 PM   #896
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Try checking the field order when you export. Also, are you using mpegs in the timeline? It may be an issue with editing mpegs instead of dv avi.
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Old May 11th, 2005, 02:26 PM   #897
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they're raw AVI DV files. going ntsc to ntsc
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Old May 11th, 2005, 11:22 PM   #898
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solved--sort of

I figured I'd post my "fix" to this in case someone comes searching.

To recap: I shot on an XL2 in 16:9/24p mode. PPro captured the clips from the DV tape to an AVI file at 23.976 fps. (I saw no way to get PPro to capture these clips at 29.97--in fact, I captured the clips into both a 29.97 project and 24p project but the AVI file captured was 23.976 in both cases!)

Anyway, I found that when I edited the 24p clips in a 16:9/29.97 project, I ran into rendering problems--video being rendered at 4:3 for example. So I reimported the clips into a 16:9/24p project and from there everything was great. I edited, rendering often, even previewing the *video* on my TV to make sure it was looking good along the way.

I finished editing and wanted to export my final masterpiece, an 11-minute short, to miniDV. I exported to tape, but when I listened to the audio on the tape, it was intermittently garbled and glitchy. My first attempts at solving this were swapping computer systems, firewire drives, tape decks, firewire *cords* to see if any of the hardware was the culprit. Nope! Still got the glitchy audio.

I was able to export the whole timeline to an AVI file, which played the audio & video great in RealPlayer on my computer. I imported that big AVI file into another project and tried to export *that* to tape. Same audio problems! Aggh!

I'm suspecting at this point that PPro is just no good w/ 24p and my world would be a lot better if somehow I could have captured that original footage at 29.97. Okay how about this then? I'll export the whole timeline to tape (just the video, cos the audio was what was getting messed up--I'll export the audio as a .wav and re-sync it later), then *re-import* that same video into a 29.97 project. Okay, I did this--but here's the deal: when I re-imported that video, PPro re-imported it as 23.976 again! Ka-blooomers!!! I know that even in the 29.97 footage there's a flag or something that says "I'm 24p" ( But still, it seems reasonable to think that PPro would let me choose whether I wanted to capture it at 29.97 or 23.976!

Anyway, what I eventually discovered was that there was nothing wrong with my audio at all. In fact, I cleared the audio tracks out in my timeline and played that back to tape. The audio glitches were still there! And in exactly the same spots as before!

So here's my thinking: somehow the video signal that PPro was writing to tape was "spilling" over into the audio track and producing audio artifacts. (There's probably a better technical explanation, but my audio tracks were clear, blank, nada, so I don't know how else to explain the audio I was hearing.)

My other thought was to capture the footage from tape into Premiere 6.5, who should know nothing of 24p and should just treat it as a plain, dumb ol 29.97 file. But I didn't get this far.

I took the big video-only AVI file that I had and imported that into a project with my big audio-only WAV file and joined them in a 4:3 timeline (I needed to do this anyway, cos I needed to produce a 4:3 letterboxed version). The audio glitches on "export to tape" were still there of course *until* I shrunk the big 16:9 clip 75% to get the letterboxing. When I rendered and exported to tape *this* timeline, *finally* the audio glitches were gone.

My theories are these (I'm too tired to run the experiments now):

* Because I processed the image somewhat (shrunk to letterbox size), this *forced* PPro to render completely *new* render files and those files were somehow cleaner than the original AVI.


* Shrinking the video removed information from the video signal that was causing the audio artifacts.

Anyway, sorry to leave such a long post, but please reply if you have any further insights!

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Old May 12th, 2005, 09:07 AM   #899
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If you have a DVD burner, which you should, you could export to DVD and play that from your DVD player to the VCR. Ofcourse that only works if you have a DVD burner.

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Old May 12th, 2005, 09:35 AM   #900
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I have a DVD burner but DVD video is compressed and I needed the best quality DV video for my export, so alas I had to do the above.
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