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Rob Lohman April 19th, 2005 04:51 AM

It's better to get your camera serviced and have them mask that pixel.
Otherwise it is probably a very tedious manual job. I'm not using Premiere
anymore, so can't tell you if it would have such a feature.

In theory all you need to do is blend the pixel with some surrounding pixels,
if you can get a filter to do this small enough and always at that spot you
should be done.

Christopher Lefchik April 19th, 2005 08:30 AM

I don't know of any plugin for Premiere Pro that will do this. But I do know that After Effects has a clone stamp tool (aka Photoshop's clone tool) that you can use to clone pixels and repair images. It has some options to help automate cloning so that it isn't as tedious as it sounds. Of course it depends on the footage as well. If your camera was locked down it will be easier than if it was moving.

Pete Bauer April 19th, 2005 09:53 AM

Should be able to do a blur to hide the pixel -- if nothing else, could just duplicate the clip onto another layer, blur, and make all but that spot transparent.

David Yuen April 19th, 2005 02:56 PM

Vritualdub and Logoaway filter
Virtualdub and the Logoaway filter can also do an intelligent blurring.

Steven Gotz April 19th, 2005 04:50 PM

Just make a track matte, or image matte, and use it. Put a second copy of the clip above the original. move it one pixel to the right or left, and use the same matte in every project until you get it fixed.

John McManimie April 19th, 2005 04:54 PM

You could try "RE:Fill"


Jamie Isben April 19th, 2005 05:55 PM

Yes I agree...trial and error is the best method to acheive a desired effect...

And I know what you are talking about with shaking the set for the actors to realistically move...but in my case I plan on shooting a scene where a car speeds by the camera and the camera sorta rocks left and right to give a greater feeling of speed..(similar to, dare I say, the Fast and Furious "movies")

I will definatly try out different things though to acheive the desired result.

Thanks for all your comments and help!

Joe Mobic April 20th, 2005 12:37 AM

Capturing Problems
I am using Premiere Pro 1.5

When using batch capture, the tape will move to the proper location and I can see the clips with audio being played and the software capturing. It seems to be capturing properly, however once capturing is completed, when I play the video, its all rainbowed but the audio is good.

In the past, I've manually (non batch) captured before and it worked fine, but even now, manual and batch will not work and I don't know why its not working now.

Ed Smith April 20th, 2005 06:11 AM

Hi Joe,

I've never come across this sort of problem. There are some things that you might want to try. In no particular order:

1. Try the tape in a different camera
2. Try a different tape
3. Try a different Firewire cable
4. Try a different Firewire card
5. Re-install Premiere
6. Check to see if it works OK with Windows Movie Maker
7. Check to see if your video file plays back OK with Windows Media Player

How are you monitoring your footage, through your TV, or just on your PC monitor?

What do you mean by "rainbowed"? I presume you mean its record the footage in different colours than expected?

Hope this helps. Please post back your results,


Joe Mobic April 20th, 2005 07:49 AM

Capture problems
The tape plays fine in multiple TVs and plays fine on the Capture portion of Adobe Premiere. As it is capturing, the video plays fine, however when I play the saved file that I have just captured is what is completely pixelated in colored snow (nothing can be made out), but the audio is heard just fine.

So I decided to save the files onto my C: drive rather than my other harddrive. It captured fine, and this time it works,and also when I play the avi file on windows media player it plays just fine.

i'd really like it to work on my 2nd harddrive (D:)

some more info:

all these files that I batch captured to my 2nd harddrive (D:) that do not play.....well, when I transfer them to my C: they play just fine.

any thoughts?

Ed Smith April 20th, 2005 09:02 AM

How strange????

Lets try and pull Premiere out of the equation. If you capture using Windows Movie Maker to your D: drive is the file it creates "rainbowed"?

If the answer is yes, then it would suggest maybe that the problem is with something else, which is not releated to Premiere. (Possibly harddrive, Firewire card, or maybe something completly different???).

If the answer is no, then it would suggest that Premiere is skewing up the file on capture.

Let us know how you get on.

Joe Mobic April 20th, 2005 09:34 AM

capturing problems
i captured using windows movie maker and saved the file to my 2nd harddrive (D:) which resulted in the same problem......snowy (colored) video.

But when I save to my C: harddrive, it works just fine.

Ed Smith April 20th, 2005 10:33 AM

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the info.

So it looks like that the problem is not to do with Premiere, as the same thing happens in Movie Maker.

So its looking as though its the disk that is causing the problem. But why, I do not know. Or maybe its the codec?

I guess there could be an outside chance that it is the firewire card?

I guess on the disk front you could try, defraging, and checking for errors on the disk?

You could maybe try un-installing and re-installing codecs, specifly the Microsoft DV codec (that is if you are runing premiere on its own???)?

You might also want to try a different firewire card?

Have you done anything differently to your system, whihc might have caused this problem? i.e. installed/ un-installed any software or hardware?


Patrick Smith April 20th, 2005 09:45 PM

any adobe premer. pro users?
i just picked it up. a lot better from the pinnacle s**t i was using. a lot more confusing. still getting used it to. but it seems simular to my partners final cut pro....

any tips?

Steven Gotz April 20th, 2005 10:20 PM

It is fairly similar to FCP. There are advantages and disadvantages in both applications.

Drop by my site for lots of links to tutorials and other resources. There are a lot of us out there.

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