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John Bennett October 17th, 2005 10:38 AM

Adobe Premiere Elements is less than $99.

Glenn Chan October 17th, 2005 10:54 AM

The USB2.0 input may only be for still photos.
Sony cameras can send MPEG1 or MPEG2 over USB, but it's difficult to edit that and the quality is lower. I dont think Panasonic does that.

Probably the best thing to do is to get a PCMCIA (something like that) firewire card for the laptop. Should be under $40USD online (pricewatch.com, newegg.com, pricegrabber, etc.).

Shaughan Flynn October 17th, 2005 11:57 AM

Adobe Media Encoder Tutorial?
Can anyone direct me to a decent tutorial on the Adobe Media Encoder? I always seem to struggle with producting decent output for web distribution. I use the encoder in FCP and 2 minutes of HD video is about 20MB. In AME, it's always 100+ MB.

Christopher Lefchik October 17th, 2005 01:40 PM

What settings are you using? Did you try one of the Windows Media HD presets?

By the way, if you install the free QuickTime 7 player for Windows, you can export to H.264. (Be careful when installing QuickTime 7, though, as I'm still not sure if all programs will function okay with it. It would be prudent to set a System Restore point before installing it, should you try that.)

Shaughan Flynn October 17th, 2005 07:41 PM

Yes I am using the QT7 Pro product. I have tried a number of different presets...

Christopher Lefchik October 17th, 2005 08:29 PM

I don't have any HD video handy that I could use to experiment myself, but I would think you should be able to get results similar to what you get out of Final Cut Pro.


Originally Posted by Shaughan Flynn
I use the encoder in FCP and 2 minutes of HD video is about 20MB. In AME, it's always 100+ MB.

Are you trying to encode from HD to HD? Or do you want to go from HD resolution to something smaller (i.e., 320x240)?

At the risk of sounding redundant, did you try one of the Windows Media 9 presets? That would be the quickest and easiest way to get a streaming video that is high quality with the smallest file size. If you tried only the QuickTime presets, then that would be your problem. The default QuickTime presets in the Adobe Media Encoder are not good.

The other option would be to note the settings that the Final Cut Pro compressor uses when exporting a QuickTime file, and then use the same settings in the Adobe Media Encoder to export a QuickTime file. My guess is that when exporting from FCP the compressor might be using the H.264 codec. You can use this codec when exporting from Premiere Pro, since you have QuickTime 7 installed (H.264 will be listed as one of the codec choices when you choose QuickTime as the export format in the Adobe Media Encoder).

You will have to experiment with the bit rate in Adobe Media Encoder, as when encoding to QuickTime it is very inaccurate. You have to set it much lower than the readout would indicate. I'm afraid you will just have to find the bit rate you want by trial and error (encode a QuickTime file, open it in QuickTime and go to Window>Show Movie Info to see the actual encoded bit rate.) Note that the bit rate is displayed in this window is in kilobytes (KB), not kilobits (kb). The bit rate slider in Adobe Media Encoder may say that the QuickTime file's bit rate is 300Kb/s when in reality it is 2400kb/s (3040kb/s with audio), a true example from a test I just performed.

Dan Euritt October 18th, 2005 01:26 PM

you can pick up firewire cards for $12 or less, try www.computergeeks.com, look for a green lite special.

Marco Leavitt October 18th, 2005 01:37 PM

Great! Thanks a lot guys.

Andreas Rylander October 19th, 2005 05:46 AM

Sorry for the dramatical thread name, but I would really like some help =)

I recently made the wonderful choice of purchasing an XL2, PAL version (I live in Europe). I film in 16:9, 25progressive scan, and with a custom preset in the camera. It looks fantastic =)

However, my huge problem right now is something as simple, yet crucial, as the capturing of the DV material from the band in the camera!

I have a pinnacle .. something... card for DV capture. I connect the camera to the cpu and start capturing in Premiere. Obviously I have the project settings set to DV PAL - widescreen 48 khz.... but after a few seconds (sometimes more than a few seconds) it stops capturing and it says "unknown recorder error". I tried to put the preview off, and it worked a bit longer at first, but still does the same thing in the end. VERY frustrating.

I tried to capture in ... well... just the standard windows movie maker, really. It worked, but once I imported the video file to Premiere, it shrunk. Or didn't work at all. What I mean by "shrunk" is that originally the length of the clip was something like 20 minutes, but premiere only played 2.40 minutes or something like that... couldnt get the rest. It even claimed that the clip wasnt longer than that. It worked perfectly to just click the file and play it though, so why won't it work in Premiere? Also, It seemed I could capture smaller segments of the video material, in moviemaker, and then it worked in Premiere all of a sudden... Weird!

I noticed that in the capture screen, I couldn't specify the camera, although there were a few options, that mentioned several cameras... the closest I could get was XL1S, but XL2 wasnt to be found...

Is there perhaps another capture program that I can use? Is it a setting problem? Is it a camera setting problem?

I would adore anyone who could help me solve this =)

Thanks in advance! Bah, thanks anyway for this lovely community =)

/ Best regards

Andreas Rylander

Vovin Studios

Jerry Porter October 19th, 2005 07:19 AM

I'm not that familier with the XL, but if it has any auto detect settings on it turn them off. That's what the problem was with my Z1.

Pete Bauer October 19th, 2005 07:52 AM

Andreas, if your computer has a standard firewire port, try capturing through that rather than your Pinnacle. If it works then, you'll at least know it is an issue with the Pinnacle card. Otherwise, you'll have to give the details of your Pinnacle set up and someone who uses the same card may be able to help.

Since you're also having problems with capture using Windows Movie Maker, I doubt it is a Premiere problem. But just in case, what version of Premiere are you using? Version 6.5 and earlier were pretty flakey for me, but the PPro capture window has worked well. True that the XL2 is not listed in the Device Control Options dialog, but you can just pick a generic Canon option and it should work ok, at least in PPro. Really doesn't matter.

Let us know how it goes.

Andreas Rylander October 19th, 2005 09:15 AM

Well, actually no - I dont have problems capturing using movie maker. The problem comes when I import that video file into Premiere. I am perfectly capable of capturing with moviemaker, but its using that file in premiere that presents the problem; it gets shortened down in length, if even working at all.


Originally Posted by Pete Bauer
Andreas, if your computer has a standard firewire port, try capturing through that rather than your Pinnacle. If it works then, you'll at least know it is an issue with the Pinnacle card. Otherwise, you'll have to give the details of your Pinnacle set up and someone who uses the same card may be able to help.

Since you're also having problems with capture using Windows Movie Maker, I doubt it is a Premiere problem. But just in case, what version of Premiere are you using? Version 6.5 and earlier were pretty flakey for me, but the PPro capture window has worked well. True that the XL2 is not listed in the Device Control Options dialog, but you can just pick a generic Canon option and it should work ok, at least in PPro. Really doesn't matter.

Let us know how it goes.

Ed Smith October 19th, 2005 10:24 AM

Hi Andreas,

I had a similar problem to you. in the fact that when I captured material with premiere or another program, when I imported it in the video length was around 2mins 30secs or so. This got my so fustrated. I think that there is a thread about it somewhere in the DVinfo vaults, try the search.

In the end, in order to completely rectify the situation I had to re-install Premiere, if my memory serves me right. .. Now where is that thread...

I was using Premiere 6.5 on a Pinnacle DV500 capture card I beleive at the time.

Can you please clarify what version etc of software you are using a long with what hardware you have?


Andreas Rylander October 19th, 2005 11:39 AM

Finally, a beam of light =)

It seems you and I share the same hardware setup as far as the capture card goes... I do have a pinnacle card with a standard port for DV, though i dont remember if it was called 500 or not, but its probably the same card. It usually works well, but apparently not with premiere. I have Premiere Pro 1.5 - but if you say reinstalling it will solve the issue, then I certainly will try it =)

Thanks =)

But please - if anyone has further ideas or comments, do not hesitate to share them =)


Originally Posted by Ed Smith
Hi Andreas,

I had a similar problem to you. in the fact that when I captured material with premiere or another program, when I imported it in the video length was around 2mins 30secs or so. This got my so fustrated. I think that there is a thread about it somewhere in the DVinfo vaults, try the search.

In the end, in order to completely rectify the situation I had to re-install Premiere, if my memory serves me right. .. Now where is that thread...

I was using Premiere 6.5 on a Pinnacle DV500 capture card I beleive at the time.

Can you please clarify what version etc of software you are using a long with what hardware you have?


Ed Smith October 19th, 2005 11:51 AM

Here's the thread with my problem over 2 years ago...


Good luck,

Gideon Snyman October 19th, 2005 12:52 PM

I would have to agree with Noah. CPU Speed, Physical Memory and Drive
transfer speeds would greatly determine overall rendering performance. I use Premiere 1.5 and have noticed no performance increase since my upgrade from a GeForce Ti 4600 to a GeForce GT 6800 128Mb 256Bit. Gaming, 3D Rendering, different story. I have wondered though, would there be any performance increase/benefit over normal CPU etc if an app like Premiere was developed to support rendering via GPU??

Jennifer Graves October 19th, 2005 01:29 PM

Premiere 6.5 to .wmv
I would do a search but that feature isn't working right now so I'll just ask.... I want to make some of my videos viewable on the web and would like to export them as a wmv. However, it's only exporting the whole project, not just the work area I have selected..... am I missing something?

Scot McPhie October 19th, 2005 03:43 PM

restoring audio to a video clip
Hi does anyone know is there a way in Premiere 6 or 6.5 to restore the audio portion of a clip to the corresponding piece of video on the time line?

To further explain I have a time line which is fairly messy - all the clips are originally joint video/audio but for one reason or another the audio portions of alot of them were deleted - so I'm wondering is there a command or method to make them re-appear synched in position with their corresponding video portion?



Mark Utley October 19th, 2005 04:58 PM

Not instantly.

What you could do is create two new video tracks and one new audio, copy the video that's missing audio and paste another directly above it. Expand the copied track on the left so you recover all the way to the beginning of the clip. Then grab the same clip from your clip folder and put a new one on the 2nd video track. Sync it up to the clip below it.

If you cut it to the same lengths as your original clip (the one missing audio), you'll have the audio back. You can then delete the original clip and the copied one, place the new clip in its spot and delete the extra tracks.

Let me know if this didn't make sense.

Saturnin Kondratiew October 19th, 2005 06:43 PM

AE and digieffects delirium camera shake plugin
im trying to do the camera shake effect thats included in the package but it keeps screwing up.... it keeps shaking the footage too much and i just dont know how to set it up.
first, the default setting puts the picture in the top left hand corner...wtf???

i dont know how to get that effect to work properly, so it stays in the tv safe area but does the shake..kinda like in fight club and in the rammstein video du hast when the lead singer hits the camera it it has the shake.

Andreas Rylander October 20th, 2005 07:42 AM

Thank you so much! =)

I actually was able to solve the problem by capturing with Pinnacles own editing program that followed the card. An obvious solution in retrospect, but it was still your link that made me come to that conclusion =)

Thank you so much, and thanks to all wonderful people on this forum =)


Originally Posted by Ed Smith
Here's the thread with my problem over 2 years ago...


Good luck,

Jennifer Graves October 20th, 2005 03:33 PM

Ok, I got it to convert just the part I wanted, but now when you view it on a website it doesn't show a buffering line or percent, how do you add that on?

Marlon Torres October 20th, 2005 08:58 PM

Blocky Reds
Im having some problems with my color corrected footage, after changing the colors, all the reds become "blocky" and pixelated....what am i doing wrong?

Pete Bauer October 20th, 2005 09:14 PM

Blockiness is probably a rendering/compression issue, and if so would have more to do with your NLE than the XL2. I think I recall from previous posts that you use Premiere Pro so I'm moving this thread over to that forum for now.

Here is another thread about red problems attributed to the XL2 that might possibly also turn out to be a rendering issue:


You'll need to give a lot more information about the files and circumstances (format, data rate, etc), and probably post a short video clip to a web site so people can see the problem.

Ben Winter October 21st, 2005 09:50 AM

Download the 1.5.1 update that allows Premiere to work with HD.

Kawai Sin October 21st, 2005 12:23 PM

Hi Jen,

Did you try embedding them.

<OBJECT ID="MediaPlayer" WIDTH="192" HEIGHT="190" CLASSID="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"
STANDBY="Loading Windows Media Player components..." TYPE="application/x-oleobject">
<PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="videofilename.wmv">
<PARAM name="ShowControls" VALUE="true">
<param name="ShowStatusBar" value="false">
<PARAM name="ShowDisplay" VALUE="false">
<PARAM name="autostart" VALUE="false">
<EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" SRC="videofilename.wmv" NAME="MediaPlayer"
WIDTH="192" HEIGHT="190" ShowControls="1" ShowStatusBar="0" ShowDisplay="0" autostart="0"> </EMBED>

here's the code.

Try reading this webpage for more info.



Kawai Sin October 21st, 2005 12:34 PM

Major difference between 6.5 and Premiere Pro
I'm wondering if there are major difference between 6.5 and Premiere Pro. Aside from the layout and the better title program included. What other reasons are there to make the switch. I'm amateur dv creator and not planning to go HDDV.

Dan Euritt October 21st, 2005 04:00 PM

check that class i.d., it might be for an older player(??)... be careful if you change just the class i.d., because sometimes the param's are exclusive to only one class i.d.

it's possible that you won't see any download bar because your embedded player isn't set up to show the control buttons(??).

Shaughan Flynn October 22nd, 2005 09:23 AM

In 6.5 you have to render before you can preview. In pro you do not. HUGE advantage IMHO.

Christopher Lefchik October 22nd, 2005 02:38 PM

Premiere 6.5 does have the real-time preview capability. From a Macworld review:

"One of our favorite new features in Premiere 6.5 is the program's ability to preview effects, transitions, and filters without having to render them to the hard drive first, which is time-consuming. When Premiere 6.5's Real-Time Preview option is active, you can simply press the return key to preview an effect."


Reading a couple reviews of Premiere 6.5, right off I can spot three features 6.5 lacks compared to Premiere Pro: the powerful color correction filter, waveform/vectorescope, and the multiple sequences (time lines) in one project. I can't say for certain, but Premiere Pro's audio mixing tools are probably better, also.

Premiere Pro's code was rewritten from the ground up, so it is basically a whole new program.

Yegor Sak October 22nd, 2005 05:08 PM

Sequence Monitor Lag
Im having a very difficult time previewing my project in the sequence monitor. It runs at about 0.5fps and Its quite useless. I cannot tell what the hell is going on, especially with very short cuts.

I run 3ghz hyperthreaded P4
2GB ram
ATI 9700pro (all in wonder)
Videos run off 1 HD, program installed on another.

How can I minimize this lag? When I started, without any cuts, it ran pretty well, but now I might as well turn it off.

I use Pro 1.5

Graham Risdon October 23rd, 2005 06:16 AM

Premiere 6.5 to Pro worries
Hi All
I've been using Prem 6.5 with a DVstorm2 card (All PAL) for a couple of years and am pleased with the results. I'd like to upgrade to PPro 1.5 but the support for the Storm is limited (non-existent!) as Canopus now have Edius. The most important thing for me is that everything is realtime on the Storm (except credit rolls and some mulri-PIPs).
It seems the only hardware manufacturer supporting PP properly is Matrox (I've looked at the RT-X100, but Axio is way too expensive!). Does anyone have any better solutions? Ideally I'd like the solution to be HD-upgradable in the future.
Many thanks

Colvin Eccleston October 24th, 2005 01:07 AM

I only know of 1 person using edius for hdv and he got POd with the crashes and moved to sony vegas. PPro is a lot better than 6.5 and very capable of hdv work with cineform's aspectHD. Just use a modern graphics card and it is quick enough. Don't expect to find any affordable solutions at the moment for RT effects on HD.

Anthony Milic October 24th, 2005 04:56 AM

Sound just stops a few minutes in (once exported to DVD)
Hi there, I wonder if anyone might shed some light on this here lil' problem I'm having.
I've edited a clip of a friends graduation.
Everything seems fine. I play it through, all goes well.
I render. That's fine.
I export to DVD. Then play the dvd, and it starts beautifully, then for some reason, in the same place, a couple of minutes into it, the sound stops.
Now I thought perhaps I'd somehow 'flipped a switch' on that particualar sound portion, .. so re-imported the clip from original. Again, it plays fine, until exported to DVD, and sound just mutes at the same point again - for the duration of the clip.
Apart from wasting DVD's.. this is really frustrating!
Exporting to AVI is fine.. it plays all sound.
Using Premiere pro CS. or 1.5.. something there.

Any ideas?


Anthony Milic October 24th, 2005 09:21 PM

Moderators, feel free to delete this post.

Harry Lender October 25th, 2005 10:55 AM

How to apply the track matte filter in PPRO 1.5
I'm trying to do the Wrigley "pip" with fuzzy edges in PPRO 1.5. I can do it in Premiere 6.5. However when I try it in PPRO I can't get the picture to appear though the fuzzy matte JPG. I've tried applying the track matte filter to the picture below the matte and telling it which track to use but with no luck. I've tried all ways I can think of with no luck. Whats the right combination to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.


Karl J Martin October 25th, 2005 05:51 PM

Setting Resolution in Premiere Pro?
So I want to set up a project at my own custom resolution, but when I click the "custom" projects settings tab, the resolution boxes are grayed-out and I can't enter the desired resolution.


How do I get premiere pro to let me define a custom resolution?

Christopher Lefchik October 25th, 2005 06:04 PM

Change the "Editing Mode" from "DV Playback" to "Video for Windows." You will then be able to enter a custom resolution.

Karl J Martin October 26th, 2005 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Christopher Lefchik
Change the "Editing Mode" from "DV Playback" to "Video for Windows." You will then be able to enter a custom resolution.


Jan Kivisaar October 26th, 2005 03:13 PM

Optical scene detection

After some searching, both here at the forum and through Google (what else? :-)), it seems I still have the same problem.

When capturing in Premiere (I use the Pro 7.0 version), I can tick the "Scene Detect" box. But that only seem to work when there is an actual gap in the timecode. What if I want it to create new scenes/clips whenever there is a scene change - e.g. goes from one clip inside the house to another clip outside? In other words: Optical scene detection.

Is there a way to achieve that in Premiere or do I have to buy a program like Scenalyzer? Another couple of dollars, when I thought Premiere could fix such a "simple" thing... I do believe Pinnacle offers that option.

Kind regards,

Jan Kivisaar

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