![]() |
Hi Jun,
If you capture to one location and copy and paste the clip to another location, Premiere will certainly complain about it, its reference is now lost, and you will will have to manually tell it where it now resides. However as for the "unsupport format or damage file" messages this is not good. It could be plausable that during your copy and pasting the clip could have got currupt, can you play the clip OK in windows media player, or movie maker? Can you import the file into a fresh new project in premiere? If you can't then you will need to recapture the clip. If however you can play it fully in WMP or Movie maker but not in a new project in Premiere then you could export it again from Moviemaker as a new DV AVI, and see if you can import the new file. If you can import the clip into a new project then, there is probably something wrong with the project file. Hope this helps, |
Hey Ed,
Thanks again for your input. I learn what you said the hard way, but atleast you confirmed it. I think it lost the reference. No...it doesn't open either in premiere or as windows media. I think I have to recapture...very exciting. But this is what I experiment already. I drag clips that were OKAY (meaning they were still linked and working order through premiere) and put them in another folder. Then premiere gave me that same message. I tried to link it to the new folder...but that doesn't work. So I press Ctrl Z to undo. So it goes back to the original folder okay. But it is still unlinked. Then I go into premiere to re-link...works find. I guess if you don't go and UNDO and shut the computer off in which the undo is no longer an option....bad news is that you have to reimport the footage. I will experiment further with another external harddrive to see if it's the ext harddrive. Because I call adobe tech support...said that it could be specification on the ext hard drive. Thanks for your help. Hopefully that help you and others as well. will post what I find. take care and look forward to any respond you or others may have |
I am not very good with Keylight yet, but there is a very good PDF file in this directory on your system, if you installed in the default location, and you have the Pro edition:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\After Effects 6.5\Support Files\Plug-ins\Keylight Read through it - it should help get you started. |
I need plugin suggestions (for sharpening and stabilizing footage)
I have a pretty long shot that I need to use but as is it's unuseable. The shot is fixed on a tripod but it was shot using an XL2 at full telephoto and since the optical stabilizer wasn't on, there is some mild (but too noticeable) shaking from time to time (I'm not the one who shot the footage).
I'd like to hear anybody who knows anything about stabilization plugins for Premiere Pro, some that actually work. I've tried Steadymove Pro with no success (it will do odd things to the image). This is a plugin I'm feeling I will be able to use on a regular basis so I don't mind the price as long as it's not at the Magic Bullet Suite level. The footage to be corrected is pretty basic stuff. Just an old lady reading a prepared speech in front of a mic. But there is no way I can start manually correct each and every frame by hand, this would take me weeks to do. I'd also like to hear about a basic sharpening plugin, one with minimal adjustment features, that will work with Premiere Pro. You know, like the basic sharpening filters you'll find in Photoshop. I was quite surprised there was no default sharpening plugin bundled with Premiere Pro (well there are 2 in fact, but they are useless as they completely destroy the image). I need one on a specific shot that is just a tad too soft. I thought about importing the sharpening plugin from Photoshop but it is not in the plugin directory, so if any of you knows about such a plugin, let me know. This thing, if it exists, should not be very expensive, it's a pretty basic feature, one that should have been there from the start. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. |
I've tried this. Downloaded bbtool19 (found on google), installed, etc. I guess I'm not as techie as I thought - it's too complicated. I'd have to go into C: and then name particular files, syntax, etc.
I'm open to other suggestions. I've also since copied other 30min DVD movies to hard drive (using Video Vault), and those movies play just fine using the 'clip' mode. But once i try to play in 'timeline' - after rending the clip - the video is fine, but audio sound disappears (no sound waves, nothing). Anyone else having this problem? |
If you have After Effects 6.5 try the "Light Sweep" and "Light Burst" effects. Duplicate your text and apply the effect to the lower layer.
If you don't have After Effects 6.5 then I'm afraid you will just have to purchase Trapcode Shine. From what I've heard it is a great plugin. |
If you have After Effects Pro, you could give the stabilization feature a try.
Thanks for the heads up regarding that Photoshop plugin Christopher. I'll give it a try.
I no longer have AE, only Premiere, so I need a plugin that will work with it (AE plugins work fine too). |
Alas I only have AE 6.0 professional version, well at least I wont go anymore crazy looking for it in AE. I geuss I'll just have to go buy Trapcode's shine, Thanks for your help Chris.
Chris. |
Magic Bullet "Looks Suite" not working? Help.
I recently installed Magic Bullet, but the "Magic Bullet LOOKS SUITE", all with .mbl file extensions (versus the AEX extension all the others seem to have) are not working/showing. Anyone have this happen to them after installation? The Magic Bullet Looks Suite is in my ...
ADOBE/After Effects 6.5/Support/Plugins folder. Thanks in advance. |
Premier Pro freezing up
Funny that you guys mention this. I'm running a Compac 3.06 with 1.5 gig of ram and I'm having very much the same thing. If I don't save my project often then I loose every thing not saved. I think that tomorrow I will call Adobe to see If they know of anything. Good luck to you guys.
one color stand out
I'm running premiere 6.0 here and I was wondering if anyone knew an effect that would let me mute all the colors but one. I understand that even a dress that looks red on video is made of other colors too but there must be some way to let a strond bright color stand out and mute everything else in the shot. Even if I have to play with what color red that is. For ex. if there is 80% red and 15% green and 5% blue dress what would let me let that color run and everything else run black and white or at least very mute.
I'm hopeing to have that effect of still photos. There are popular ones of small kids a flower and only the flower is in color.... Thanks for any help out there.... |
I think there is an effect called "color pass" in premiere that lets you do that.
Go to: http://www.wrigleyvideo.com/videotut...premiere60.htm and check out the color pass tutorial. FYI, if you want to fine tune it you can boost up your brightness and contrast settings...sometimes the black/white seems a lil flat but thats just me. cheers, calvin |
ya i remember that happening to me as well when i had premiere 6, but ever since i got pro i haven't encountered it since. I remember making title layers and it would tint the footage behind it same with freeze frames. Sorry i couldn't be of help ...at least now you know your not alone : )
-calvin |
I'll take a look tonight, thanks. That sounds like a efffect name that would work.
Color pass will work but a color like red will have other colors standing out also. Any orange, pink and so on will not be b/w.
Thanks Chris & Jesse for your help.
It took a reinstall of Premiere Elements to get it working.
Help with Adobe Premiere 7 and letterboxing...
Hello, I'm new to the world of editing and I accidently took some footage in full screen rather then in letterboxed mode, I was hoping it would be possible to fix this error and add black bars to the top and bottom of this piece of footage to have it blend properly with the rest of my footage, if anyone could be of help that would be great. Thanks.
Moving titles look aliased in Premiere 6
I just noticed that moving titles, either scrolling across the screen or up and down the screen, look aliased. Terrible.
Can anything be done about that in Premiere 6? I can't find an anti aliasing option for titles anywhere. Some fonts are particularly back, all blocky and hard to see. |
Hi Gorey,
This is no problem. The best way I think is to create a title with title designer, and create 2 black boxes the size of your black bars, 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom. (I even think that there is a 16x9 matte template you could use). You can then add this to a track above your video. Hey presto you now have widescreen. There are quite a few topics about this, please try the search^ Hope this helps, |
Does anyone know if there is a plugin that allows you to export to flash from Premiere Pro? Thanks
Rick |
Capturing multiple tapes in chronological order
Is there a way to capture video clips in chronological order, when they are sprinkled across many tapes? This happens when I want to minize the number of tapes I use, and the scenes(clips) are of varying duration, that I can't afford to lose due to a tape change during a scene.
I use an XL2 and Premiere Pro, use scene detect during capture, and can sort out the clips using the timestamp when they are all in one tape, but not many. E.g., If my tapes are labelled A, B, C, and my clips in chronological order are 1,2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, and are recorded onto the tapes as A1269 B347 C58 can I get back to my original sequence of clips 1 through 9, which I can then proceed to edit? Or do I have to keep track of what I did and unravel the clip sequence manually? I think the XL2 can put on a "time of day/date stamp" but am not sure how to go about this if at all possible. Any advice is welcome! ajai |
I know this thread is old and he's probably found the solution by now but just in case.
Scott. Simply right click on the audio track, choose audio options, then choose which channel that you want to seperate and use, take left or take right. |
Thanks for the reply James, but I have since upgraded my NLE several times, and now am on a Mac with Final Cut Pro.
What's really amazing about your post is for me to think that I posted that only 3 years ago. It shows how far I've come in such a short time! |
Can't hear audio
no, the audio track toggle switch is not "off". I can hear the aduio when I scroll through the timeline fast but when I play it there is no audio. I can see the levels in the meter but no sound.
When I render the clip out and play it the audio is fine in the clip. Anyone ever have this problem? |
I believe people use After Effects for that. I don't know of any such plugins.
currently, the only way that i know of to do that is to export the file as an avi and then compress it with another program, like sorenson squeeze. just a note on sorenson squeeze 4, it imbeds incorrect metadata on the video length, so if you're are going to use some form of a scroll bar, it won't work properly - they won't correct this bug until atleast version 5.0, however this isn't an issue with version 2.0 ~Mike |
Yep. I figured you would have figured it out or changed 3 years later.
vignetting in premiere pro 1.5 hep
i'v done it before i just cant rember how...
how do i make a round vignette around the scene Thanx Saturnin i figured it out thanx go into video effects render circle |
similar, though just the opposite:
when i play through the "clip" (not timeline) mode, i hear the audio, but when using the timeline mode, no audio. in fact, no audio waves or any sound. if you figure this one out, please post. |
Greg, I experienced similar symptoms yesterday, with audio being audible only when I moved the CTI with the mouse, not when I played. I realised I had my XL2 hooked up via 1394 for doing tape capture earlier. Once I yanked out the 1394 cable, the audio would play as usual.
My situation/circumstances may be different from yours, so your mileage may vary! Good Luck! Let us know how it goes. ajai |
Find setting to always play audio on local hardware
I can't remember where this setting is, but I found it, and eliminated the same problem your having.
Anybody? I still need to find a good stabilizer plugin for PPro. Any suggestion is more than welcomed.
Thanks. |
Premiere Pro 1.5 Shutdown Question
This may seem silly but here goes:
I notice that when I shut down PPro 1.5 after an editing session, everything stays exactly as I had left it when I open the program again at a later time. Wherever I left the timeline curser at shutdown is exactly where I find it when I re-open the program. The last sequence I worked on is the first sequence to show. I think that is fabulous. However, one thing I've noticed is that if I had left a trimmed clip in the source monitor (left monitor) at shutdown, it isn't there when I re-open the program. Is that normal? The reason I ask is that I never noticed if that happened before but I noticed it recently after freshly re-installing PPro 1.5 on my hard drive. May I ask my fellow PPro 1.5 users a favor? Can a few of you chaps open the program, place any clip in the source view monitor (the left or trimmer monitor if you will), save, shut down the program then re-open to see of the clip is still there? I want to see if I re-installed incorrectly or if I have a problem. My reasoning is that if the clip wrongfully disappears in the source monitor at shutdown, what else important might disappear? Thanks! |
I did as you requested and mine did the same thing. The clip where the timelime marker is resting comes up in the monitor window. Sounds right to me! Mike |
Thanks a million, Mike!
Anybody else have the same thing happen?
Real-time preview render with Magic Bullet?
Hi all,
I'm a little stumped on preview render speeds in Premiere Pro 1.5. I'm new to Premiere. When I use Vegas and apply a Magic Bullet film effect to a video clip, I can resize the preview window to a small size, say 25%, and set the preview quality to draft mode. The resulting preview render occurs in real-time. It's pixelated heavily, but that's ok -- it means I can apply a number of video effects and still play them back in real time to get an idea of what they look like. However, in Premiere Pro 1.5 I'm having trouble getting the same performance. When I apply a Magic Bullet film effect to a video clip, set the preview monitor to 25% size, and force the preview quality to draft or leave it on auto, it still plays back quite slow and choppy. Eventually it catches up and renders to memory most of the frames and plays back smoother, but in Vegas it plays back smooth and real-time right from the start. I have noticed that the preview window in Premiere, even when at 25% and draft quality, still is not pixelated like my small draft window in Vegas. As if Premiere just isn't going low-resolution enough to render in real time. Anyone have any tips? Thanks! Adam Woodworth |
Using Premiere audio in Audition
Hi all..
Aahh, my mouth still waters at the amount of useful info contained in these forums. I wonder if anyone can help me with the following; I capture audio (using my PD170 and stock mic) to Premiere (most recent version, or next to) and can interact with the audio fine. However, when I import the file in Audition, it plays it as some clicking shrieking, white distorted noise.. Now I know that I have done this once. But now cannot seem to find what might have changed. I simply cannot play music in Audition, that I have captured from Premiere. Why is this so!? Please help! Many thanks. |
PPro always close all clips in the Soure Window when you close a project. So there is nothing wrong with your computer or PPro.
/Roger |
Thank you both for taking the time to assist me!
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