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James Llewellyn November 14th, 2005 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jiggy Gaton
WARNING: if you follow this guide you will wreck your editing bay:
that's if you have a simple machine like mine (Sony TR3 with tons of external harddrives). That software package is so bad that the only good thing about it was that the uninstaller took it ALL off without damage. The guide itself is a rambling in video technology and the tools themselves are unstable and unintelligible to the normal video editor.

As far as I know, NO ONE has ever had their computer or any editing station damaged, or harmed anyway by the AMVapp installation or the programs that are installed by it. Of course it would of been better to of suggested not to download it cause I forgot that several unnecessary programs come with it that do not concern editing mpeg2 footage.

All you need is: AVIsynth, DGMPEGDec (aka DVD2AVI in earlier versions), DGDecode.dll, and the AVIsynth Plugin for Premiere (Premiere won't read AVS files without it). AVIsynth version 2.5x or higher may crash older machines on older OS's, suggest digging up v 2.0 if you still can.

The guide linked to you is a longwinded one, but is a crash course into DVD footage for someone who would know little to nothing about the subject. You only need to tip toe through jargon to get to the instructional parts.

However if you still don't like it that's up to you. This is the only method that I know of to directly edit mpeg2 footage in Premiere, and has proven emmensly useful and efficient even for those editing on pc's as slow as 500mhz, sometimes (though rarely these days) worse.

Mo Zee November 15th, 2005 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Jimmy McKenzie
I think the cable might be the culprit ... try a known good 6 footer... the easy trouble shoot is to attempt again with your xl1 and the deck... As to why only the XL2 allows for a clean transfer is odd ... it should also be suspect if the cable was too long / defective...

i'm still waiting for new cable (my other ones are too short to reach the deck). but during my last capture session, we had some success with the xl1, but with repeated trials per clip using batch capture.

Mo Zee November 15th, 2005 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Max Hagelstam
It could be the fact that camera head has shifted it's position during day three. (Also, one should unfortunately never use the cleaning tape before tapeclog problems arise since they actually "grind" the heads.)

If you record something again, just as a test, are the results the same in the Jvc deck (bad)? If so, I would make a digital backup copy of the day 3 material (fw from the XL2 to the jvc deck), and send the camera in for a check up. Remember to make the copy BEFORE you send it in, if you're unlucky your "malfunctioning" XL2 could be the only player that can actually play the tape correctly.

We (I'm working parttime as a reseller) have unfortunately seen this problem before with both XL1's and XL2's. And a customer made the misstake in repairing the cam BEFORE making backups, rendering about 20 important tapes useless.


thanks for the backup advice, you might have saved my life...

so if the head shifts, is the shifting the same with record and playback, which explains why the camera can play its own recording cleanly?

also, the ticks seem to have a pattern- intermittent around 5 secs, pixellizing in the same place, and ticking audio only on the left channel...

Pushpa de Silva November 15th, 2005 05:34 AM

Could not complete the last command because

I get following error message when finally export to DVD.

Could not complete the last command because: video picture size larger than buffer (DVDErr,-1)PGC Info: name=Movie 1, ref=Apgc, time=583.75

Do u know what this means and how to get rid of this. I have used Panasonic MX 300 (DV, 3CCD camera)to record the musical prog. Total edited video clip+1hr 52minutes. I have added some sponsors advertisements in title pages, after adjuting the size of the advertisements. Also I have added about 10 video transitions to the movis. Awaiting yr advice. Thanks

Pushpa de silva


Keith Thompson November 15th, 2005 08:35 AM

What would you use for deinterlacing? Is there any good premiere pluggins for this?

James Llewellyn November 15th, 2005 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Keith Thompson
What would you use for deinterlacing? Is there any good premiere pluggins for this?

I'm sure there are some good premiere plugins, I just do no know of any other than maybe Magic Bullet, but some others on these boards should know. Try doing a search on deinterlacing and see if any older topics have the answer. If you're familiar with AVIsynth, there's some filters by Donald Graft http://neuron2.net/mine.html that deinterlace quite well. I use the old 2.0 Decomb filters which work well enough.

Keith Thompson November 15th, 2005 07:51 PM

ppro plugin for deinterlacing and slow mo?
In order to do slow mo in ppro, you have to deinterlace and frame blend. Both of these has too much resolution loss for me.

I have used some virtual dub filters that have done a good job. I have also tried the "slow mo" programs and those also do a good job.

I am really looking for a ppro plugin that I can just drop onto my clip and experience the same results. Has anyone seen or used such a plugin?

What about a plugin that simply converts 60i footage to 60p footage. In otherwords, it takes the 60 interlaced fields and converts them to 60 full frames. When played at normal rates this would be slow motion of 50%. The tool would still have to interpolate half of each frame, but at least the frame blend step could be avoided. If there is such a tool, you would not have to do frame blending if you wanted 50% speed. Again, I have seen this type of tool for virtual dub.

Matthew Coady November 16th, 2005 01:04 AM

Thick black boarder around footage
I captured my footage with adobe premier pro 1.5. The footage was shot widescreen with the Panasonic DVX-100a. I captured with a sony trv-950. When I import the captured footage and begin to cut, the footage shrinks itself down and leave large black bars all around it.

Heres and example of what I'm talking about

If anyone could help it would be greatly appreaciated.

Richie Cruz November 16th, 2005 07:03 AM

Bad reception
Can anyone tell me what is the best way to make a bad reception clip. What I mean is that I want create the effect of a television that has not cable so it starts with that snow like picture and slowly gains reception of the image. But while gaining reception the clip is still distorted if someone is playing with the antenna then clears up at the end.

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pat Sherman November 16th, 2005 07:08 AM

Wow.. I never knew that.. lol!

It does look better de-interlaced and frame blended.. yeah the rendering sucks.. I use the RT.X100 so if I don't mess with the field options it's realtime slow or fast..

Pat Sherman November 16th, 2005 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Jiggy Gaton
Best Way to Get a DVD VOB File into an AVI that PPro can edit? I have nero recode, but that only goes to .mp4. Then I have QT Pro that goes from mp4 to avi (its running now, very slow). Isn't there a better way? Thanks! is River Past Video Cleaner PRo something better to use? Suggestions needed...thanks!

update, tried River Past, converted VOB to WMV using a specific profile. Tried to edit in PPRO and export the movie using the same profile in Adobe Encoder, but I don't think they are the same across programs. Frustrating that Endoder. I just need settings to play the result full screen as WMV and look halfway decent. I am not concerned with all of those audiences! I just have one: file played off CD inside powerpoint. Arg....

I just copy the .VOB to the hard drive rename it to whatever.mpeg and import the mpeg. It takes a while sometimes at least for me I think it's the audio portion stalling it up.. but anyways after that I export it back out as an .AVI and then bring it back in as an .AVI (not slow then). Audio works also..

Ray Marsh November 16th, 2005 09:13 AM

16:9 Editing
So I'm thinking about the new Sony HVR-Z1U as my next camera purchase. (Using big DSR-300 DVCAM now.) I don't plan on doing HDV editing for awhile (not one single request as of yet) however I am intrigued by the native 16:9 capture of the HDV cameras.
If I record 16:9 SD in the camera, can I use my current DSR-30 deck to play back the tapes for capture? I do not want to put additional headwear on the camera.
Does the image get recorded to the DV tape in a way that the DSR-30 (DVCAM only w/DV playback capabilities) can read it?
Thanks - Ray

James Llewellyn November 16th, 2005 10:19 AM

Does it also look like that when you export? Check over some of your project settings to see if something is amiss.

Richie Cruz November 16th, 2005 10:34 AM

Did you check to make sure the settings are not a PAL. I shoot in NTSC and one I got black borders on my clips, but my settings were to set to PAL. Once I changed them to NTSC the picture was fine..

Robin Davies-Rollinson November 16th, 2005 03:57 PM

If you record in SD, you'll be able to play it back on any DV deck or camera.
Since you have the Z1 and you may choose to record in DVCAM, then the choices are less, though you seem to be covered there...


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