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Mike Quinones September 11th, 2005 09:40 PM

Premier Pro freezing up
Funny that you guys mention this. I'm running a Compac 3.06 with 1.5 gig of ram and I'm having very much the same thing. If I don't save my project often then I loose every thing not saved. I think that tomorrow I will call Adobe to see If they know of anything. Good luck to you guys.

Brian Doyle September 13th, 2005 10:52 PM

one color stand out
I'm running premiere 6.0 here and I was wondering if anyone knew an effect that would let me mute all the colors but one. I understand that even a dress that looks red on video is made of other colors too but there must be some way to let a strond bright color stand out and mute everything else in the shot. Even if I have to play with what color red that is. For ex. if there is 80% red and 15% green and 5% blue dress what would let me let that color run and everything else run black and white or at least very mute.

I'm hopeing to have that effect of still photos. There are popular ones of small kids a flower and only the flower is in color....

Thanks for any help out there....

Calvin Wong September 14th, 2005 02:12 AM

I think there is an effect called "color pass" in premiere that lets you do that.
Go to: http://www.wrigleyvideo.com/videotut...premiere60.htm and check out the color pass tutorial. FYI, if you want to fine tune it you can boost up your brightness and contrast settings...sometimes the black/white seems a lil flat but thats just me.


Calvin Wong September 14th, 2005 02:23 AM

ya i remember that happening to me as well when i had premiere 6, but ever since i got pro i haven't encountered it since. I remember making title layers and it would tint the footage behind it same with freeze frames. Sorry i couldn't be of help ...at least now you know your not alone : )


Brian Doyle September 14th, 2005 08:23 AM

I'll take a look tonight, thanks. That sounds like a efffect name that would work.

Jesse Parsh September 14th, 2005 03:02 PM

Color pass will work but a color like red will have other colors standing out also. Any orange, pink and so on will not be b/w.

Paul Kepen September 14th, 2005 04:37 PM

Thanks Chris & Jesse for your help.
It took a reinstall of Premiere Elements to get it working.

Gorey Andrews September 14th, 2005 08:13 PM

Help with Adobe Premiere 7 and letterboxing...
Hello, I'm new to the world of editing and I accidently took some footage in full screen rather then in letterboxed mode, I was hoping it would be possible to fix this error and add black bars to the top and bottom of this piece of footage to have it blend properly with the rest of my footage, if anyone could be of help that would be great. Thanks.

Ronald Lee September 14th, 2005 10:01 PM

Moving titles look aliased in Premiere 6
I just noticed that moving titles, either scrolling across the screen or up and down the screen, look aliased. Terrible.

Can anything be done about that in Premiere 6? I can't find an anti aliasing option for titles anywhere.

Some fonts are particularly back, all blocky and hard to see.

Ed Smith September 15th, 2005 08:39 AM

Hi Gorey,

This is no problem.

The best way I think is to create a title with title designer, and create 2 black boxes the size of your black bars, 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom. (I even think that there is a 16x9 matte template you could use).

You can then add this to a track above your video. Hey presto you now have widescreen.

There are quite a few topics about this, please try the search^

Hope this helps,

Rick Step September 15th, 2005 10:05 AM

Does anyone know if there is a plugin that allows you to export to flash from Premiere Pro? Thanks


Ajai Thirumalai September 15th, 2005 12:37 PM

Capturing multiple tapes in chronological order
Is there a way to capture video clips in chronological order, when they are sprinkled across many tapes? This happens when I want to minize the number of tapes I use, and the scenes(clips) are of varying duration, that I can't afford to lose due to a tape change during a scene.

I use an XL2 and Premiere Pro, use scene detect during capture, and can sort out the clips using the timestamp when they are all in one tape, but not many.

E.g., If my tapes are labelled A, B, C, and my clips in chronological order are 1,2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, and are recorded onto the tapes as


can I get back to my original sequence of clips 1 through 9, which I can then proceed to edit?

Or do I have to keep track of what I did and unravel the clip sequence manually? I think the XL2 can put on a "time of day/date stamp" but am not sure how to go about this if at all possible.

Any advice is welcome!


James Emory September 15th, 2005 01:50 PM

I know this thread is old and he's probably found the solution by now but just in case.

Scott. Simply right click on the audio track, choose audio options, then choose which channel that you want to seperate and use, take left or take right.

Scott Silverman September 15th, 2005 04:13 PM

Thanks for the reply James, but I have since upgraded my NLE several times, and now am on a Mac with Final Cut Pro.

What's really amazing about your post is for me to think that I posted that only 3 years ago. It shows how far I've come in such a short time!

Greg Jacobson September 15th, 2005 06:08 PM

Can't hear audio
no, the audio track toggle switch is not "off". I can hear the aduio when I scroll through the timeline fast but when I play it there is no audio. I can see the levels in the meter but no sound.

When I render the clip out and play it the audio is fine in the clip.

Anyone ever have this problem?

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