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Kent Metschan July 18th, 2009 11:17 AM

? on Working with Motion and Transitions
I am doing a simple slideshow in Premiere and have a problem. I have the photos do slight movements and a cross dissolve transition between each of them. Say each one is 5 seconds long. Before photo #2 (and the movement assigned to it) has reached the timeline (4.85 seconds) it is starting to dissolve in from the transition. As soon as the transition starts and you can see the next photo appearing is where I want its own movement to start.

Right now I have a 45 frame transition and it looks bad because they movement seems to start after a delay. Thus, the photo is static during the transition and as soon as it reaches the actual photo does it start moving. Any suggestions?

Ray Bell July 18th, 2009 05:37 PM

On the time line... click on the the transition box, its between the two pictures and is purple... now look up at the area that has the source monitor... there is a tab at the top
that says.. effect controls... click it, you work the transition from there... you can click on the purple transition box there and slide it left or right to set the transition to where you want...

Kent Metschan July 18th, 2009 05:48 PM

That helps, I think what I want here is instead of center at cut have it "start". Looks great now. Thanks.

Brett Griffin July 18th, 2009 06:38 PM

Try un-ticking 'Pin to Clip'
Also, if you un-ticking 'Pin to Clip' you can make your keyframes go into the next slide so that when the transition is complete, effectively the animation is still occurring.

Follow this link to the Adobe Premiere Pro Help file to explain it better.

Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 * About the Effect Controls panel

It is a very easy and effective way to control the in and out points of transitions.

Battle Vaughan July 20th, 2009 09:13 AM

You may find this tutorial useful --- in fact, there are lots of useful Adobe-related tuts here -- http://www.layersmagazine.com/creati...miere-pro.html / Battle Vaughan/miamiherald.com video team

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