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Rich Perry October 23rd, 2008 08:19 AM

Mask everything but 1 color
Does anyone know a quick way to mask out everthing in the video frame but one color.
I have some footage (30 sec) taken of a windy road with the camera focused mainly on the yellow center lines going by. I am trying to mask out everything but the yelow lines so that it can be merged with other footage to form a composite. The problem there are other colors in there, trees, cars going by etc.

I am using CS3 also with BCC5 plugin.
I know there is probably not an easy answer to this but any pointers would be great.



Emrys Roberts October 23rd, 2008 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Rich Perry (Post 954539)
Does anyone know a quick way to mask out everthing in the video frame but one color.
I have some footage (30 sec) taken of a windy road with the camera focused mainly on the yellow center lines going by. I am trying to mask out everything but the yelow lines so that it can be merged with other footage to form a composite. The problem there are other colors in there, trees, cars going by etc.

I am using CS3 also with BCC5 plugin.
I know there is probably not an easy answer to this but any pointers would be great.



Really I think the only way to get the best composite would be to mask out the areas in after effects. If your trying to basically have some footage only one specific color showing up and then graying out the rest, then the best way would be to use the 3-way color corrector to grayout and then use the secondary color correction in that effect to isolate the color you want to highlight. I'll try and see if I can't find the actual process for you and post it here.

Adam Slaght October 23rd, 2008 02:48 PM

simple, import into AE and use "Leave Color" effect, use eydropper to pick yellow color, adjust for tolerance and your done

Rich Perry October 24th, 2008 01:42 AM

Great - Thanks for the input guys - I will give it a shot in AE, although I will have to install a trial - is there a simular preset in PP for this?

Shawn McCalip October 29th, 2008 01:28 PM

Yes, if you're in Premiere, go to Video Effects -> Color Correction -> Leave Color. It's the same Effect that Adam mentioned in AE.

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