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Jose Milan August 21st, 2008 02:51 AM

CS3 How to move markers together with video clips in timeline?

I have a pretty big project in CS3...near 4 hours and have a lot of markers, the thing is a have to add more clips at the beginning of the timeline and have to move the rest of the clips, but the markers don't move along, they stay at the same place which is not what I want. Is there a way to select clips and markers and be able to move them together???

Thanks in advance,


Bart Walczak August 21st, 2008 03:17 AM

Sorry, can't do this.

Jose Milan August 21st, 2008 04:50 AM

Wow, this is incredible...you can't do it! what a pitty...is there a workaround to make it possible or another possible tip.

Thanks in advance.

Jon Shohet August 21st, 2008 05:50 AM

I'll give it a try...
Easiest solution I can think of, if it suits your needs, is to nest your sequence in another sequence, and then the original sequence markers appear as clip markers in the nested clip.
If you need more flexibility with the individual clips, instead of nesting I would create new clip markers aligned with the sequence markers. A bit tedious, but if you create a custom keyboard shortcut for "set new unnumbered clip marker" it shouldn't be that bad; you already have the Ctrl+left/right arrow shortcuts to cycle through sequence markers.

Hope someone knows of a better solution. good luck :)

Jose Milan August 21st, 2008 06:57 AM

Hello Jon,

Thanks for the workaround, seems logical, I'll do what you said and see if someone has another way too that we can all benefit.



Peter Manojlovic August 21st, 2008 07:46 AM

Hey Jose....

Rather than inserting markers onto the timeline, go to the Source window, and add markers there...
This way, you'll get markers placed onto the actual clip, rather than the top of the timeline....All changes will follow accordingly.

Further, if i understand correctly,
To add footage, and move segments of the existing clip, simply drop the B roll footage over the desired marker, and hold the "Ctrl" button...Everything will get shifted down the line, and your B roll footage will get inserted...
Hold the shift key above the marker, and placement is exact...

Jose Milan August 21st, 2008 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Peter Manojlovic (Post 922953)
Hey Jose....

Rather than inserting markers onto the timeline, go to the Source window, and add markers there...
This way, you'll get markers placed onto the actual clip, rather than the top of the timeline....All changes will follow accordingly.

Hello I've tried that, but the thing is I can't put any info to the markers, it just puts the mark and then I cant access it to put any info afterwards as I can do easily in the timeline panel.


Further, if i understand correctly,
To add footage, and move segments of the existing clip, simply drop the B roll footage over the desired marker, and hold the "Ctrl" button...Everything will get shifted down the line, and your B roll footage will get inserted...
Hold the shift key above the marker, and placement is exact...
I'm a little lost, sorry, what do you mean by "B roll footage"???

Thanks again.

Mike Gunter August 21st, 2008 09:17 AM

Hi Jose,

These are fairly flexible means of working with clips.

What exactly is it that you can work around that you need to do?

You can have several different timeline sequences up across several projects spanning several projects.

If you drop something in any of one sequence, you'd have to pick up the slack in that sequence anyway and account for the time in that sequence.


Peter Manojlovic August 21st, 2008 10:41 AM

B roll footage is cutaways, inserts, and other bits of video that get overlayed during any point in time...Example:
Lions eating, B roll footage could be vultures waiting...

I assumed that the clips you're adding to the timeline were B roll. My bad.

I'd look into being able to export the clip markers, an import to the beginning of the clip...

Interesting, when i get home tonight, i'll take a look....

Jose Milan August 22nd, 2008 02:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)

To make things a little more clear I've made a screen shot with detail with whats the problem right now with one of the possible solutions.

What do you think?

Mike Gunter August 22nd, 2008 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Jose Milan (Post 923362)

To make things a little more clear I've made a screen shot with detail with whats the problem right now with one of the possible solutions.

What do you think?

Hi Jose,

It would seem to me that you would want to keep the sequence as it is.

Why would you want to change it? Put the content you want in another sequence. You can easily update your markers with information as you wish in the original sequence as it will update in the subsequent sequence.

The final show will update with the nested sequences so all the content will be where it needs to be. There doesn't seem to be any downside to leaving the sequence where it is and using it as a nested sequence.


Jose Milan August 25th, 2008 01:56 AM


You're right, I can solve the problem with nested sequences, but it seemed awkward not been able to move stuff together.

The other thing that is kind of weird is not being able to put comments in markers within individual clips, that is, in the source monitor.

Anyhow thanks for the reply.

P.S. I've made keyboard shortcut for numbered markers, but it only works in the source monitor panel (it puts markers individual clips and can not put any comments), I need them to work in the timeline panel where I can put any comments I want. Can the shortcut work anyhow in the timeline??? I have very long projects and the shortcut will truly help me.

Mike Gunter August 25th, 2008 09:39 AM

Hi Jose,

The point I'm driving at is that the nested sequence is your best friend, not your worse enemy.

You've described a monster of a project that would be best tackled and eaten in bites, not gobbled in a single huge chunk as you are trying to do it.

Your work flow will greatly improve using piece meal techniques with the inclusion of your custom shortcuts and such and nested sequences, rather than an extremely long single time-line that ebbs and wanes over time and, necessarily loses its markers.

This would give you more flexibility in how you can construct your story by its elements and scenes, and put those scenes together when they are done. If you don't like them, change them, delete them, whatever, the sequences are not part of the finished timeline. That is something that can be finished in a few seconds after all the sequences are done by simply putting the sequences in the correct order, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc...

At least that's one opinion.

My best.


Jose Milan August 25th, 2008 02:32 PM

Hello Mike,

You're right and will take your advice...I would use nested sequences for these long projects from now on...I don't know if it will make it easier for premiere (talking about resources), but projects can be more logical.

But the last question remains...how can I make my keyboard shortcut work within the timeline panel???

About the other question I assume markers within source panel can not have comments, right? Very strange, dont know why the took the ability to put comments if you want them here.

Thanks again.

Lloyd Coleman August 25th, 2008 03:21 PM

I love using nested sequences in Premiere, however, I have tracked them as one of the biggest reasons that make my larger project very slow to respond. Sometime I have to wait 3-5 seconds for the cursor to become responsive after I complete a simple task before Premiere is ready to respond to my next action or command. This kind of delay is unacceptable for me so I now avoid nested sequences whenever I can.

I am using a quad core processor with 2 gigs of ram. This same thing happend on a former dual core machine also.

Am I unique with this problem or does using nested sequences slow your work to an unbearable level with larger projects? Mike, do they create a problem for you? Others?



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