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Jiri Fiala February 20th, 2008 06:42 AM

Auto Clean-Up the Bins?
Hello, is it possible to auto-clean up the Bins in Premiere CS3? Footage organization drives me nuts.

When I select Thumbnail mode, there is no way of sorting or searching clips (why on Earth does search bar disappear in thumbnail mode?) and I've got to constantly hunt for "Clean Up" when re-arranging workspace.

Do Adobe engineers ever use Premiere? Or am I missing something?

Paulo Figueiredo February 20th, 2008 06:51 AM

Project Window Wish-List
As to my knowledge there is no way of doing auto clean-up. It would be very useful (if could be turned on and off for storyboard-like usage).
My big wish was that there would an unique keyboard shortcut to select next clip in bin (or is there one already?). I do scene capture the whole tape and go through every clip and the only time I use the mouse is to select the clip to edit. That would save a lot of keyboard-to-mouse hand movement and I could finally become an "editing-potatoe". eheh (no really it would be great)

As for the auto clean-up: the project window already has big problems (crashing premiere with more than 200 clips in the bin). My guess is that auto clean-up would add to the unstability (is that a word?) Do those crashes happen with anyone else?

Jiri Fiala February 20th, 2008 02:30 PM

Malformed footage may crash Premiere. Project manager window is also incredibly slow when working with lots of smaller clips - compare that to any other NLE on market. Premiere is incredibly badly written app.

Paulo Figueiredo February 20th, 2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jiri Fiala (Post 829778)
... Premiere is incredibly badly written app.

Well. I wouldnt go that far. I think you should expect a 100% stable piece of software from a company with Adobe's resources (unfortunately there isnt such a thing as that).

I feel your pain, if it was freeware it would be a lot more understandable

Its just like operating systems. You can a stable one like OSX or a flexible one like the many flavours of linux but never both at the same time if you dont want to dig into coding/troubleshooting.

One can only hope that adobe can do both for premiere as they did for other apps like photoshop. BTW: Bridge can be a crashing beast under the right (wrong) circumstances.

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