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-   -   How to convert anaglyph to side by side? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/3d-stereoscopic-production-delivery/489934-how-convert-anaglyph-side-side.html)

Seref Halulu February 6th, 2011 06:29 PM

Here is my latest trial; extracted right and left and re-orginized with Adam's tool. But after encoding still loop issue exists:

Avs used in re-encoding:


C = AviSource("C:\test_3\Mbv-DeAna.avs")
LeftRight3D(lv, rv)
Parameter avs:


# Setup our input files
anaglyphName = "C:\test_3\mbv_cut.mpg" # Anaglyph video

PureColName = "C:\test_3\mbv-2D_cut.mpg" # Video with color info (either Anaglyph or 2D)

monoName = "C:\test_3\mbv-2D_cut.mpg" # Possible 2D video for one eye, if not set to "nothing

SoundName = "C:\test_3\mbv-2D_cut.mpg" # Video with the sound track we want

inputFormat = "RC"

isMono = "monoRight"

outputFormat = "SBS_Left_First"

outputResize = "No"

leakCorrectR = 0 # Leakage of left into the right eye
leakCorrectL = 0 # Leakage of right into the left eye

decimateHoriz = 8.0 # Horizontal shrinkage
decimateVert = 20.0 # Vertical shrinkage - can usually be much bigger than decimateHoriz

tweakBrightL = 0 # Left brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContL = 1.0 # Left contrast adjustment (1.0 means no contrast adjustment)
tweakSatL = 1.0 # Left saturation adjustment (1.0 means no saturation adjustment)

tweakBrightR = -5 # Right brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContR = 1.0 # Right contrast adjustment
tweakSatR = 1.5 # Right saturation adjustment

blurLeft = 1.0
blurRight = 1.0

And i used the latest Ana-Extract.avs.

Tony, pls redo it.
_ _ _

Tony Asch February 6th, 2011 08:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)

I can't reproduce the looping problem. The files you gave me converted OK. They were both exactly 5 min. long and the side-by-side output is exactly 5 min. long. You can download my conversion:


It is encoded with XVID codec and includes audio track.

The AVS parameter file I used is attached to this post.

The conversion worked pretty well, except for the small red cast credits which were obviously composited differently for the 2D vs. the 3D version (a vertical offset about 1/2 the height of the letters.)

After setting the parameters, all I do in VirtualDubMod is:

1.) File->Open Video File (and choose my AVS parameter file)
2.) File->Save As... (and choose a video codec, name the file, and click Save)

On my computer, it converts and encodes in about 5 min.

I suspect you may have troubles with Windows codecs on your computer which is causing the looping. Don't try anything complicated with codecs... first get the conversion working properly, even if you create an uncompressed test file. Once the conversion works, then you can optimize the compression.

All the best,


Seref Halulu February 7th, 2011 03:39 PM

i put a clean HDD and gave it a go again.
No looping issues left.
Xvid over VirtualDubmod and x264 external encodgings work finally.
Thank you.
But i gonna going on bothering you, believe me. (just started)

Seref Halulu February 8th, 2011 05:45 PM

BTW i bewared after 4:00:00 your and mine re-encodes start looping.
Please check out your MBV-5-LR.avi. (player is windows media player)
Yes there must be a problem with windows filters.
(i can play it as is with VirtualDubMod -no looping issues.)

BTW i used my problematic HDD.

EDIT: Sorry, i gave it a go with my non-problematic HDD again and everything works well. Even with Windows Media Player.

Seref Halulu February 8th, 2011 06:44 PM

Tony, i want to try with a RC DVD//BD too,what do you suggest?

Seref Halulu February 13th, 2011 10:01 AM

Hi Tony.

Today i gave it a go with anaglyph BD edition of "My Bloody Valentine".

VirtualDubMod doesn't show left and right video at the same time since it is 3840x1080.

Which means i can not use "script editor" to configure "parameter" aviscrypt.

This time i was lucky and used the "parameter" file which you managed from the same movie's DVD. (and i re-encoded it as 3840x1080 to x264.)

If i have only anaglyph BD, how can i config the parameter file? (without making cut-test avi encodes to manage it.)


Tony Asch February 13th, 2011 10:24 AM

VirtualDubMod View
1 Attachment(s)
Just right click on the image in VirtualDubMod and set a viewing magnification. See the attached screen grab.

Seref Halulu February 13th, 2011 10:56 AM

Thank you.
I was just trying to add this line to the end of the parameter.avs: (after configured the file i was going to remove it.)


LanczosResize(1920,1080) # Lanczos (Sharp)
EDIT: I don't know how this resizing affects the configuration result?

Tony Asch February 13th, 2011 04:00 PM

Not sure what you're trying to achieve. Resizing is already completely configurable in my conversion system:

# Resize the output video? Either Yes or No
# If set to No, then the output video is either
# twice the width of the input (for SBS)
# or twice the height of the input (for TB)
outputResize = "No"

# If we are resizing the output, specify the dimensions (Int)
# These dimensions apply to the stacked video size
outputWidth = 500
outputHeight = 200

Seref Halulu February 13th, 2011 05:34 PM

I don't want to resize. (I didn't mean to resize the resulting file.)

Before you recommended me (post 37) i was thinking to resize just for opening the avs as 1920*1080 on VirtualDubmod so as to be able to see both right and left videos together to configure parameter avs. And after configured i was going to remove that line from avs. So the question was if i follow this way, does (temporary) resizing affect the final configuration negatively?


_ _ _ _ _

Tony Asch February 15th, 2011 12:52 PM

Resizing the preview in VirtualDubMod by right clicking on the image will not affect the output file resolution. It only affects the screen preview.

Adding resizing to the AVS file will change the resolution of the output file.

Seref Halulu February 15th, 2011 04:56 PM

Do you mean even we remove that rezing line before re-encoding?

(Maybe horizontal stretching affects re-creating of new aviscrypts but i don't think it's gonna affect resizing if we removed that line before re-encoding?)

Seref Halulu February 15th, 2011 07:16 PM

And one thing: i would suggest "FFVideoSource" instead of "DirectShowSource" on AnaExtract.avs. (assuming we are translating mpg or m2ts files.)
This "DirectShowSource" filter is always problematic. (DGNVTools is another alternative btw.)

Seref Halulu February 19th, 2011 07:32 PM

This is what i suggest: (on AnaExtract.avs)


# Snag our video files
vidL = FFvideoSource(anaglyphName)
vidOrig = FFVideoSource(anaglyphName)
vidsound = FFAudioSource(SoundName)

Tony Asch February 20th, 2011 09:34 AM

DirectShowSource vs. FFVideoSource
Ah!!! The beauty of open source software. Feel free to improve anything on the project, just make sure to provide complete source if you choose to distribute it.

The "confusion of tongues" in file formats is the Achilles Heel of these projects, even more so when extracting stereo channels from anaglyphs, as re-encoding the input files into some standard format results in significant degradation of the final product.

FFVideoSource is a good option, but I would suggest that it be incorporated as an option rather than the only choice. Perhaps the parameter file could allow you to choose DirectShowSource, FFVideoSource, or some future input filters that may yet prove helpful.

Something like:

inputMethod = "DS"


inputMethod = "FF"

and so forth...

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