Francesco Marano's Proposed MA-400 Design

The Watchdog notes: These images were created on 3D Studio Max by Francesco Marano, from Milan, Italy. My Italian is much worse than Francesco's English, and very little description came with these images, but I'll do my best to tell you a little bit about them, and what Francesco has in mind.

Francesco's proposed MA-400 sports a flip-out LCD monitor on the right side, with a speaker at the upper corner (in red). I think his idea is to utilize the monitor when the camera is mounted on a tripod -- I don't think this placement would allow it to be used while the XL1 is on your shoulder.

On the left side of Francesco's design is a dual-battery holder (and charger, I assume), and frankly I like this configuration better than Canon's own CH-910 accessory. The analog video and audio jacks are on this side also.

The red box at the back houses a DC power input, which I assume would be a standard four-pin XLR jack, for use with typical belt and shoulder battery packs or power inverters. There's a row of four XLR audio input jacks across the bottom at the rear.

A better view of the left side... it looks like a pair of BP-930's sitting there, with plenty of room for 945's... and I hope the shoulder support itself has some nice, comfortable foam padding.

Francesco tells me he's in the process of building his own MA-400 prototype, and that it doesn't quite look like his 3D model here. But at least it's a start. If some manufacturer out there wants to take a crack at this, please let me know and I'll pass the word on to Francesco.


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Thrown together by Chris Hurd

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