NAB2001: P+S Technik Mini 35 Digital PL Lens Adapter

P+S Technik is a firm in Munich, Germany which has produced this Mini 35 Digital lens adapter for using 35mm motion picture PL-mount lenses with the Canon XL1 and other DV camcorders.

Here's a traditional professional set-up for some serious shooting. Be advised that eveything from the adapter forward -- including the lens, rails, plate, follow-focus and mattebox -- is many times more expensive than the XL1 camera itself.

The adapter housing is made of aluminum, weighs about 1500 grams by itself and costs approximately $6,000 USD.

What makes it so special is that unlike other 35mm lens adapters, the depth of field and focus measurements remain exactly the same for the XL1 as they would on a 35mm motion picture camera.

The adapter is optimised for the XL1 but is suitable for use with a few other DV cameras. This is a handheld configuration, mounted to a much smaller camcorder.

The Watchdog notes: Please be advised that I've tested none of the products on this page personally, and have not had business relations with any of the aforementioned companies. Proceed at your own risk... these images are meant only to give you an idea of what's available out there, and should not be construed in any way as a product endorsement. If you do contact a company based on what you see here, please tell them the XL1 Watchdog sent you (I could really use the reference). For information concerning Watchdog product reviews, manufacturers are invited to contact me directly at


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Thrown together by Chris Hurd

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