Mitch Gross of Panasonic outlines all of the added capability provided by the new EVA1 cinema camera firmware version 2.0 release at NAB2018. https://vimeo.com/264316079
Mitch Gross of Panasonic outlines all of the added capability provided by the new EVA1 cinema camera firmware version 2.0 release at NAB2018. https://vimeo.com/264316079
Peter Marr takes us around the new full-frame Cinema EOS C700 FF camera from Canon USA at NAB2018. https://vimeo.com/264322451
Peter Marr talks about the new Cinema EOS CN-E20mm prime lens, new reference displays and new HDgc 4K broadcast lenses from Canon USA at NAB2018. https://vimeo.com/264324880
Dennis Stegemerten provides an overview of the new G4 wireless mic system from Sennheiser at NAB2018. https://vimeo.com/264310147
Craig Yanagi discusses the new GY-HC900 CONNECTED CAM 2/3rd-inch live streaming broadcast camera from JVC at NAB2018. https://vimeo.com/264311178
Jon Tatooles of SoundDevices goes over the 633 portable field audio mixer, the PIX 270i rack-mount video recorder and the 970 rack-mount audio recorder for Craig Chartier and DV Info Net. https://vimeo.com/95932131 Here are the product descriptions mentioned in this…
Our NAB reporting crew followed Craig Chartier back to the EZ-FX booth to check out some additions and improvements to their EZ-Slider Dolly System. Here’s my video report of Steve Bonin from EZ FX going over all of the features…
Last autumn and winter I had the opportunity to shoot with both the Canon C100 and 300 cameras. Not surprisingly, I now want to join the ranks of Cinema EOS owners. So which model should I buy? It turned out…
Pete Bauer explains the process of transitioning from Adobe CS6 or other disc-based NLE applications to Adobe Creative Cloud. (runs just under 7 min.) This Adobe CS6 tutorial by Pete Bauer of Contrail Media walks you through the process of…
This Adobe CS6 tutorial by Pete Bauer of Contrail Media shows the round-trip process of taking a video clip through Adobe SpeedGrade that was deliberately shot at the wrong color temperature (i.e., a camera’s white balance was set to daylight instead of tungsten), because color temperature is something that Premiere Pro’s built in color correctors don’t explicitly have, but SpeedGrade does. Rounding out the workshop is a demo of a simple audio noise clean-up with Adobe Audition.