Art Adams provides an overview of the Video Devices PIX series of video recorders at NAB2015. https://vimeo.com/161048659 Learn more about the PIX series at videodevices.com.
Art Adams provides an overview of the Video Devices PIX series of video recorders at NAB2015. https://vimeo.com/161048659 Learn more about the PIX series at videodevices.com.
2014 is the year I acquired an agent, and just in time: I’m awful at negotiating. I hate the process and the games. I’d rather just get on with the work. Now it’s out of my hands, but I have…
It shouldn’t be possible, but I tried it and it works. But why? A while back I was chatting with a local DP, who also happens to own a nearby rental house, and the subject of the Sony FS7 came…
Since the beginning of film, cinematographers have sought to assign their own speed ratings to film. The same is now true of video cameras. I don’t know how manufacturers do it, but here’s how I do it… Mostly I employ…
Does a camera’s ISO setting actually represent reality? Maybe. Here’s a way to test it using a gray card and a calibrated light meter… It’s important to see if a camera’s ISO is actually what the manufacturer says it is.…
Ever wonder why cameras with the same ISO can look so different? Yeah, me too. There’s no easy answer as to why. When I started out as a young camera assistant I remember working on a low budget feature film…
I’ve always wanted to test a camera’s dynamic range by beautifully lighting a room using one punchy light placed outside a window. I finally got my chance. When RED released the Epic with HDR I eagerly sat through their “Red…
A famous DP once told me, “Never say no.” I suspect this is the best possible way to have a glorious career, but I don’t think it’s always appropriate. Here’s what I do… Directors are applied psychologists. They have to…
The FS7 is an amazing camera for the price, but sometimes I wish that I could pay a little more and get the camera I really want. Here’s what I discovered while using it on a recent shoot… One of…
I’ve now seen “Interstellar” projected digitally in a multiplex as well as in 70mm OmniMax. They were very different experiences. Here’s what I noticed… It’s a weird thing to sit in a theater and think, “This may be the last…