Browsing: Production

The art and science of making media.

Review: Lectrosonics PDR

Paul Cronin takes a look at the super-compact Portable Digital Recorder from Lectrosonics, a handy little 24-bit audio recorder with Time Code sync, phones jack, microSD card and more.

Camera Gear
Wi-Fi WFM: Turn your iPhone into an engineering monitor

Shameless commercial message: I’ve developed a new iPhone app, Wi-Fi WFM. It takes the wireless feed from a Teradek Cube, Clip, or VidiU and displays its picture along with a waveform monitor, vectorscope, and/or histogram. Background: Teradek H.264 encoders take camera feeds and send…

Review: Lighting Passport spectrometers

Breakfast foods grow odder and odder: It’s a wise child that knows its own fodder.  — Ogden Nash, “Snap, Crackle, Pop” As with foods, so with lights: between LEDs, HMIs, plasmas, and fluorescents, it’s hard to know exactly what you’re…

First Look: Veydra 85mm T2.2 Mini Prime

Veydras are cine primes designed primarily for micro four thirds cameras, though they’re also available with C- and E-mounts. I tested prototypes of the first four lenses—16mm, 25mm, 35mm, and 50mm—in December 2014; customer shipments commenced in February 2015; the…

Interview: The Sound Advice Tour with Frank Serafine

The MZed Sound Advice Tour is the latest traveling workshop is a continuing series presented by Monte Zucker – Education for Creatives (which we’ve covered here at DV Info Net before; most recently with MZed’s Illumination Experience with Shane Hurlbut).…

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