It shouldn’t be possible, but I tried it and it works. But why? A while back I was chatting with a local DP, who also happens to own a nearby rental house, and the subject of the Sony FS7 came…
It shouldn’t be possible, but I tried it and it works. But why? A while back I was chatting with a local DP, who also happens to own a nearby rental house, and the subject of the Sony FS7 came…
Doin’ the HDMI-DownRes-ProRes Shuffle… Convergent Design’s Odyssey 7Q+ firmware version 5.10.100 includes the ability to take in a 2160P (4K or UHD) HDMI feed and record it as 1080P (2K or HD) ProRes. I’ve been working with a beta version…
The late documentary filmmaker Les Blank’s feature length bio-pic of Leon Russell, A Poem is a Naked Person, premiered Monday night at the South By SouthWest 2015 film festival in Austin, Texas… only forty-two years after it was completed! https://youtu.be/n6KpbMxxV64…
Since the beginning of film, cinematographers have sought to assign their own speed ratings to film. The same is now true of video cameras. I don’t know how manufacturers do it, but here’s how I do it… Mostly I employ…
Does a camera’s ISO setting actually represent reality? Maybe. Here’s a way to test it using a gray card and a calibrated light meter… It’s important to see if a camera’s ISO is actually what the manufacturer says it is.…
Ever wonder why cameras with the same ISO can look so different? Yeah, me too. There’s no easy answer as to why. When I started out as a young camera assistant I remember working on a low budget feature film…
[Update 23 March: event coverage at Sound & Picture.] The Digital Cinema Society is having its annual Lighting Technology Event in Burbank, California this coming Saturday, 21 March. Almost twenty manufacturers and vendors will be showing off incandescent, fluorescent, and LED lights,…
I’ve owned a Canon EOS C100 since January 2013. Over the past two years I’ve shot a feature film, client films, television commercials and I’m currently two years into a feature length documentary. I love that camera (if you forgive…
This past week, the first four-lens sets of Veydra Mini Primes for MFT cameras started shipping to Kickstarter backers, resellers Hot Rod Cameras and Duclos Lenses, and rental house LensProToGo (page loads scrolled down; scroll up to see rental info). My…
Last December I did a series of side-by-side test with a variety of lenses on my GH4: T1.9 Ultra Primes, T1.3 Mk II Super Speeds, and T2.2 Veydras, all dedicated cine primes; two T1.5 Rokinon DS cine primes, based on…