Browsing: Articles & Reviews

Sony SGamut vs. SGamut3: Battle of the Color Spaces

Recently I shot some comparison tests between Sony’s older SGamut color space and their brand new one, SGamut3.cine. For several years I’ve been fascinated by camera color rendition. Every camera manufacturer, just like every film manufacturer, has their own look—their…

Optical Science
A Short History of Camera Color

Color is something that has fascinated me for a long time.This is what I’ve noticed about trends in cameras over the years. When I started out in this business as a camera assistant every film stock had a signature. Companies…

Show Reports
HPA Tech Retreat 2014: What Just Happened?

The annual HPA Tech Retreat is over; here’s my quick summary of trends that stood out, as well as a few interesting images. Chasing viewer engagement / sampling / metrics: Real-time social-media monitoring. Set-top boxes delivering customized ads. Live user-engagement…

Optical Science
HPA Tech Retreat 2014 – Day 5

The HPA Tech Retreat is an annual gathering where film and TV industry folks discuss all manner of technical and business issues. It’s the sort of conference where the chap next to you is cutting shows on his MacBook Air;…

Optical Science
HPA Tech Retreat 2014 – Day 4

The HPA Tech Retreat is an annual gathering where film and TV industry folks discuss all manner of technical and business issues. I’m taking notes during the sessions and posting them; it’s a very limited transcription of what’s going on,…

Optical Science
HPA Tech Retreat 2014 – Day 3

The HPA Tech Retreat is an annual gathering where film and TV industry folks discuss all manner of technical and business issues. It’s the sort of conference where the chap next to you spends his time editing a six-camera show…

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