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The XL2 Watchdog’s Tips & Tricks
This section offers some operating tips gleaned from savvy XL shooters for the benefit of others. The idea here is to have a place to point everyone who asks, “how do I do that again?” without having to keep reposting the same information on usenet. I got the idea from watching how many times people have asked how to generate color bars on the Sony VX1000.
Article: Comparative Demonstration of the Sennheiser ME66 and MKH416
This article is presented mainly as an opportunity for you to just listen to each microphone do its job side-by-side… I made every effort to create the following demonstration clips to represent the true performance of each microphone in identical settings.
Tutorial: Assemble Your Own Low-Budget Light Kit, Part One
I’m a big believer in get the right tools for the job, but sometimes you just can’t afford the right tools. Here’s where ingenuity comes into play. First, where do you find cheap, or if you prefer, inexpensive, lights? Hardware stores, auto parts, store, Salvation Army stores, Goodwill, garage sales.