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A Smooth HDV Workflow for iMovie / Final Cut Pro HD
Last night I was playing with the new iMovie 5 ($79, free on new Macs) and figured out a very nice HDV workflow for Mac users. First of all, it is important to mention that when installing the new iMovie, the Apple Intermediate Codec shows up in the QuickTime codec list. This portion is key to this solution. Here’s the workflow:
HDR-FX1 and HVR-Z1U Feature Set Comparison
Sony’s first pair of HDV camcorders share the same chassis design and a number of identical features. There are, however, about forty-odd differences between them. Here’s a fairly comprehensive chart which compares the two. The HDR-FX1 is a consumer model; the HVR-Z1U is a professional version.
Using Free Run Time Code as an External Sync Substitute for HVR-Z1U Multi-Camera Shoots
there is an option in the Z1U available to you which will allow for frame-accurate time code synchronization of several cameras in a multi-camera shoot. The procedure for this work-around requires only one person and one Sony RMT-841 Wireless Remote Commander (the wireless remote control which is supplied with each camcorder).