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Sony Alpha Mirrorless and DSLR
Sony Alpha a7s: Full HD Recording in XAVC and 4:2:2 UHD 4K Output via HDMI.

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Old August 1st, 2014, 12:25 PM   #1
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My First Sony A7S Wedding

What do we think? Any questions?

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Old August 1st, 2014, 03:05 PM   #2
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

I think in general it looked great and it has a certain look to it that you only can achieve with a full frame camera, focussing must be a challenge but I have to say you nailed it pretty good (I saw just one out of focus shot around 02:40)

Some shots where a bit too shaky to my taste but it didn't distract in any way and the footage seems very sharp, this is not a camera you should be using together with canon dslr's.

But I have to be honest here as well and it's just my opinion but the footage lacks saturation and contrast, it's realy very flat, I"m sure if you look at it on a waveform everything would be compressed between 20 and 80 ire which explains the washed out look. If this is the look you want to achieve then that's a personal thing ofcourse, I only think this camera is capable of producing some beautiful colorful footage and it would be a shame of not taking advantage of that, especially for weddings, I"m sure brides would love to see the color to pop from the tv screen.

Loved the photoshoot shots you did btw, especially the one where they kissed with the creamy bokeh background, I"m getting myself a full frame camera one day, only not today :)
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Old August 1st, 2014, 05:35 PM   #3
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Hi Noa, thanks for the feedback.

On the colour grade firstly - It is intentional - and similar in look to my previous highlights shot on the 6D. I feel it follows a trend I have been seeing in a lot of the local photographers who are charging big money. It is just taste really, but here, right now, in NI - I think this is a 'look' that people recognise. To me, the full saturated, contrast look you are talking about is simply grading to get the footage realistic. Clients will not see that as a grade at all and will just assume thats how the cameras record the film. I feel my grade looks intentional and at least makes clients feel that I've put work into the colouring.

On the focus. I agree about 02:40. I also feel I missed it at 2:19 also. I really felt that the focus peaking would be a major plus - but it's causing me some annoyances. a) the intensity of the peaking (coloured lines) is less when viewing on the screen as opposed to the evf. Looking through the evf - the focus peaking is perfect and you are able to nail it. But sometimes like on a stabiliser, or low down slider, the evf isn't an option. The screens display of the focus peaking was not good enough for me to be totally certain on peaking. Gutted. But I should have made sure...

Thanks for your praise on the 'photoshoot', but actually these were shots I took later on without the photographer - I've been trying to be braver lately and asking the b&g for specific time with me alone. You have to decide when it's worth asking. Some b&g will give the vibe of enjoying the creativity, others you just know are dying to get away from the photographer so they can party and mingle.
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Old August 1st, 2014, 06:02 PM   #4
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

My amateur views:

Some incredible shots there, Clive. I agree with Noa in also loving the shots of the portrait session, particularly the one close to the ground with the tele lens, along with the transitioning of the rings - great work! The ending shot is fantastic... absolutely perfect. Great way to end the film.

I am unsure as to why that colour grade is popular in the N.I., but if that's what's working in your area, I can understand you opting to grade it that way. That said, do you also feel that this grade will live the test of time? Or will people look back in twenty years and think, "What was I thinking asking for the colour that way?" The reason I ask is because the current mainstream photography mass is obsessed with Instagram and often the best shots are sepia toned from the ones posted by amateurs on my Facebook feed. I can only make the assumption that this is what has made the colour grade popular in your area? To my liking, some of the shots look even better with the colour grade, whereas some others I wish were 'normalised'.

That said, it's a style and you've crafted a great film. Captivated me throughout! And the colour grade grew on me with the second viewing, as the shock of the first time passed away and I was more able to enjoy their story and your film. The shot of the groom at the top of the stairs is really funny - seemed like a real character for you.

If you don't mind me asking, where did you get your font from? That's a great font!

Otherwise, the setting shots really helped the story, as did the close ups. The idea of shooting the dress outside, along with the card positioning was fantastic. One shot I loved was the one from above (possibly with a monopod?) of the flower on the groom's chest @ 1:28. The slider shot from the back of the ceremony with the candles was brilliantly captured.

How did you get the shot of the horses high up in the trees?!

Overall, great film! Enjoyed it so much, I watched it twice. :)
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Old August 1st, 2014, 08:43 PM   #5
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Yeah Nice work there Clive.

Like Noa I don't like the washed out colours but really, who cares! It's not what you like but what the bride likes and as long as the bride is happy, that's all that counts.

Funny about the peaking though? I would have thought that it would have been the same on both EVF and LCD ... On my Sony's peaking for me is a miracle cure to all my focus woes ...Does the A7S give you the usual Sony option of 3 colours to choose from and 3 levels? On my EA-50's I found that yellow peaking at a middle level was way better for me than red or white just seems to show up better and less chance to miss focus.

Keep up the good work

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Old August 2nd, 2014, 02:21 AM   #6
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Thanks for the comments folks!

Craig, here's the font.
British Quest Font |

Also, might I mention to clarify - the film is all hand held bar 2:02-2:20 (church scenes which are stabiliser and slider) and the couple walking shot and dancefloor shots.

Here is a short clip of the focus peaking difference. It doesn't seem like THAT much difference in this video - but in other scnenarios where there is barely any focus peaking highlight like low light/low contrast scenes - you find yourself looking in the EVF and seeing at least some focus peaking that is almost totally absent on the screen.

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Old August 2nd, 2014, 02:41 AM   #7
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Thanks Clive

That's a neat font for bride and groom names ..I still use Monotype Corsiva as it's a bit bolder but I like that one!

You don't have the option to change colours of the peaking? Yellow shows up much better than red and I would have thought Sony would have stuck to their 3 levels too.

Yeah that's pretty tough to work with!!!

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Old August 2nd, 2014, 02:59 AM   #8
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Unfortunately I don't have peaking level adjustment on my HF G30, however I do have the choice of colour and, while I agree with Chris about yellow, I find it worth changing the peaking colour depending on the subject I am shooting. Yellow is my standard setting and works for most subjects, but sometimes either red or blue will show up better.

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Old August 2nd, 2014, 04:21 AM   #9
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Hey David

The level adjustments are awesome ... we have low, medium and high on the EA-50 and still a choice of red, yellow and white. I wonder why Canon have blue?? I would have thought that lighter colours would have been a lot better? Yep I run on yellow peaking with mid level and it's pretty much ideal for me anyway and even shows up well in sunshine!

We only have LCD's on our Sony's as the EVF is just a magnifying tube with a rubber eyepiece that clips onto the LCD ... I love that as the old 1/2" LCD's were like looking down a tunnel ...AFAIK Panasonic had them on the HMC80's and Sony had them on the EX-3 ..I was over the moon when Sony put the same system on the EA-50!!

BTW: It's our birthday month this month is it not?

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Old August 2nd, 2014, 07:14 AM   #10
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Hi Chris,

Magic Lantern gave me quite a few peaking adjustments on my 60D, 1st. or 2nd. derivative, Threshold and a multitude of colour choices including Local and Global, which are a mixture of colours that ought to show up whatever the subject. Frankly I found both confusing and preferred plain yellow most of the time. I miss the choice though.

There is a lot I miss about ML, but that does not stop me preferring the HF G30 for most things, I just have to make the best use of what features it has.

I haven't given up on the 60D, I bought a Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 for it recently although I have yet to use it for more than a quick test.

Yup, soon be another year on the clock for us both!

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Old August 2nd, 2014, 08:39 AM   #11
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

My favourite lens except mine is a Tamron 17-50 F2.8 stays on the EA-50 almost all the time as it's so useful and they are a really nice range! My only Sigma is the 18-35 F1.8 art lens which is great for low light and another favourite ... I seldom use the Sony 18-200 any more as it's so slow (I sold the 18-200 from my A-Camera too and bought the Tammy 17-50 and another Tammy 24-70 both F2.8

You will love the 17-50!

Yep we will be 68 years young at the end of the month!!

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Old August 2nd, 2014, 11:15 PM   #12
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

I love the imaginary.. but the color tone needs a bit more contrast. It looks it was a hazy day.
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 05:30 AM   #13
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Used mine at 2 weddings now - mainly with a Tamron 24-70 2.8 - I'm slowly getting used to it - here's my initial thoughts

LOVE the low light capability - it's truly awesome and way better/cleaner than the 5D3
LOVE that the footage edits nicely with my other Sony cameras (EA50/CX730)
LOVE the focus peaking/zoom focus assist while shooting
LOVE the 50p at 1080

HATE the feel and location of the record button
HATE the sensitive ISO selector control wheel - easy to accidentally adjust with the side of your thumb
HATE the white flash I get when opening up the aperture while filming (this may be a fault however - happens with metabones smart adapter and EF lenses but not with NEX lenses and camera in APS-C mode) - Problem solved - issue is related to the Metabones adapter - simply enabling advanced mode solves it!

On the whole being able to film evening receptions without resorting to an onboard light was the main reason I got this camera and i'm happy enough with it - I can't react as quickly with a DSLR to changing events as I can with a 'proper' video camera but the compromise is worth it - I'll get better with practice I suppose.

Last edited by Peter Rush; August 4th, 2014 at 01:52 AM.
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Old August 5th, 2014, 05:12 AM   #14
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Great work! Not much of a fan of the flat look, however I must say that it works rather well here. Did you shoot in slog or in one of the cine gammas?

Also, what lenses is everyone using? Seems like most are adapting Canon lenses through the metabones adapter (which totally makes sense).
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Old August 5th, 2014, 05:52 AM   #15
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Re: My First Sony A7S Wedding

Canon EF lenses for me with the Metabones Smart Adapter IV
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