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Sony NXCAM / AVCHD Camcorders
Sony HXR-NX100, HXR-NX70, NX30, NX5, NX3/1, HXR-MC2500, HDR-AX2000, etc.

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Old January 27th, 2011, 11:11 AM   #1
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Inside the Sony NXCAM, DSEagle

Have any of you guys splashed out on the DSEagle's 'Inside the Sony NXCAM'? Any thoughts?

Inside the Sony NXCAM HXR-NX5

While I'm here: A very useful button is the Status Check (right by the card slots). Push that and scroll (wheel or button on the top control panel) to have all sorts of camera settings quickly and clearly presented. I like to leave it on Assign Button while on a shoot, but I toggle through the 8 pages before I set out.

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Old January 27th, 2011, 12:53 PM   #2
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I bought is before I got my NX5U. Although I thought the price a little high, I was a good jump start for me. The NX5U was my first pro level camcorder and it gave a useful overview of the controls and menus. It had some good starting points for setting up and customizing the camera. It wasn't what I'ld call a mastering course, but still useful.
Vic Wilcox,
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Old January 27th, 2011, 01:20 PM   #3
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Tom dont even waste your time with this. I purchased it and its nothing more than a basic overview of the factory operations manual. Giving you some visual representations at most. Save the 80$ and purchase something worthwhile. I wish i had saved my money now that i have it. Wait for a DVD rip online or something like that.
Director / VFX Editor -- Sony HXR-NX5U, Canon 60D DSLR -- Premiere Pro CS5, After Effects CS5
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Old January 27th, 2011, 01:51 PM   #4
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It may not be needed to someone who is familar with camera operations, but it doesn't warrant a slam and then suggest scamming an illegal copy...I know Doug (DSE) and he does frequent DVInfo and has helped countless people on audio and other various issues...
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Old January 27th, 2011, 02:53 PM   #5
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Your right Mark. For a novice or someone starting out may find this DVD beneficial. However as i said there is nothing covered in the DVD that isnt covered in the Factory Operations Manual. For those beginners that can afford to pay 70$ to have a Professional read the manual to you then this DVD may suit you because thats pretty much all this product does. Otherwise save the money and purchase something that can give you more bang for your buck.
Director / VFX Editor -- Sony HXR-NX5U, Canon 60D DSLR -- Premiere Pro CS5, After Effects CS5
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Old January 30th, 2011, 12:31 PM   #6
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Being a Canon camcorder user to about 10 years, I actually found the DVD to be quite useful. I find the working philosophy of the Sony's to be somewhat different than the Canon's.

Plus, B&H included it free with my NX5U purchase, along with a DVD about the AVCHD format (which I haven't watched yet).

Would I pay list price for it? No. Probably not, because I could just read the manual....
KR Productions;
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Old February 20th, 2011, 04:04 AM   #7
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Any suggestions on a good training video for the NX5 that goes beyond just reading back the manual?

Perhaps something like this:
Vortex Media: VIDEO & PHOTO Tools and Training

And here is an example of additional information he supplies for the EX1R:
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