Seems crazy but think i prefer CX550 to NX5 at
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Old May 25th, 2010, 06:42 AM   #1
New Boot
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Seems crazy but think i prefer CX550 to NX5

Hi. I recently bought a CX550 as a back up camera on a shoot....and loved it. I used it for wide reverses on some interviews (with a Z1) and by itself for car interiors. It is stunningly good. I am about to ditch my Z1 and was going to buy a NX5 but am now having second thoughts after playing with one and seeing its footage.

I am now considering buying another CX550 and kitting it up significantly with proper sound gear etc. I know it shouldn't be possible but it seems like a better image to me than the NX5. And extremely convenient to travel with two baby cams.

Has anyone shot side by side with both cameras? Any results? Any opinions? Would greatly appreciate all views.

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Old May 25th, 2010, 10:14 AM   #2
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I haven't shot side-by-side so you can ignore my opinion, which is that these two cameras are aimed at hugely different markets. The NX5 can be totally manually controlled but the auto NDs of the 550 mean you can't select an aperture of choice and therefore can't go for selective dof or even deep dof at tele, come to that. One's less than a third the price of the other, a third the size and weight, has half the zoom range and has a single chip.

If you prefer the 550 that's fine, and Sony's marketing division has spotted you clearly.

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Old May 25th, 2010, 08:29 PM   #3
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I have both the Sony HDR-500 ( 120gb version ) and the Sony HDR-NX5U. This month I used both camcorders to shoot two wedding. In both weddings, the HDR-500 was mounted on a tripod behind the wedding party recording toward the rear of the church because the cam is small and mostly goes unnoticed. The NX5U was mounted on a tripod at the rear of the church recording toward the front.
Both wedding was for practice and as a favor to friends of mine, as I am not a professional.
Results was mixed. One wedding the HDR-500 was tops, hands down and the other wedding the NX5U won without a question. The interior color and lighting of both wedding varied greatly. I can only conclude that you can not compare two cams unless they are used in the same situration and either cam is able to produce outstanding results under certain situations and not so great results in other siturations. A church was never disigned to be used for video recording. A wedding is always a 'pot luck' adventure, no two alike.
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Old May 26th, 2010, 12:18 AM   #4
New Boot
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Thanks Curtis. I find it interesting that they are even in the same league. I suspect that the NX5 has Mark 1 technology and the 550/500 has some later advances in what is still a fairly new format. Would love to see some side by side footage if you ever get a chance. Tom... point taken on the DOF but still quite astounded that so little separates the two.
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Old May 26th, 2010, 02:17 AM   #5
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Dig around here, you'll find a bit of comparison from people who have shot the two side by side. The Sony cameras with the "R" sensors do hold up amazingly well in comparison to much more expensive cameras. You're not the only one noticing...

The 550 series do have aperature control and with a variable ND or stacked polarizers might offer some DoF control - another thing on my list to fiddle with a bit. Sony put enough manual control options back in to make the new 550's interesting, unlike the earlier 500/520 series. It appears you can control either iris or shutter though, not both, so these little cams have their limits. The wildcard is that Sony has a "pro" version based upon the CX550V in the near term works - the MC50, and no one (including apparently SONY) knows WHAT the firmware features will be just yet, there is always the possibility of some surprises there.

I'm pretty happy with shooting live events multicam with these smaller cameras - more angles in the edit, without breaking the bank, and haven't yet had a complaint that the final results look bad... quite the opposite, once edited and posted, footage looks quite good, and on a pretzel and beer budget.

May not be as impressive as one "big" camera, but for a multicam shoot in a shoebox, seems to work for me. I still would like a "big" camera, but my next one will likely be a DSLR-V... if manual control/DoF and so on are the top priority, that makes more sense to me, with the little CX's backing up with extra angles.
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Old May 26th, 2010, 05:30 AM   #6
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I shoot with NX5U, SR11 and XR500. The XR500 is usually unattended and with spot manual focus and AE shift at -3 or -4. Focus on the NX5U is critical and at least on my NX5U the auto focus is bad. If the NX5U focus is slightly off the XR500 will give a cleaner and sharper picture!!! In good light it would be difficult to tell them apart in a medium shot though the cleaner image of the XR500 may give it away if you know both cameras. Closeup the NX5U has more depth to the image but its close. When the lighting gets difficult the NX5U wins as one would expect. The combination I have I am happy with and will certainly look at the MC50 when it come out.
As an aside the XR500 is definitely better than my FX1.

Ron Evans
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Old May 26th, 2010, 06:35 PM   #7
New Boot
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Thanks Dave and Ron. Appreciate the heads up on the upcoming pro version. Will definitely wait for it. On Sony's prior form it will probably include a two channel phantom power supply - a blessing if it does. Will certainly spare me the pain of trying to trick up the audio on the 550.
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Old May 26th, 2010, 07:31 PM   #8
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From the preview unit, I wouldn't count on that audio - looks like a basic shotgun and a 1/8" plug into the standard mic jack... Audio may be the weak point, particularly if there's no gain controls, but OTOH, a decent little pocket recorder would probably provide backup/second source.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 02:03 AM   #9
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I'm not with Dave on this one - I'm thinking it will be Sony's PD100, PDX10, A1 and so on - and have genuine XLRs with optional phantom power.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 05:45 AM   #10
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It would be great if the MC50 could accept time code, for filming concerts a setup consisting of one NX5 and 2 MC50 would be very nice
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Old May 27th, 2010, 06:48 AM   #11
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Tom Hardwick View Post
I'm not with Dave on this one - I'm thinking it will be Sony's PD100, PDX10, A1 and so on - and have genuine XLRs with optional phantom power.
That's not what is shown in the information on the Sony UK site or the video on that same site. It's a mount for what looks like the mic that comes with the NX5U but with a 1/8" plug that goes into the mic input that is in the same position as on the CX550 . I am with Dave. It will be minor changes from the CX550 to act as B cam for the NX5U. So likely will have matching colour etc. My XR500 is a close match for performance to my NX5U now, just lacks the fine control full manual control gives for exposure etc. Better control might just make it a really nice little camera and I will certainly be looking at it seriously when it comes out.

Ron Evans
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Old May 27th, 2010, 07:05 AM   #12
New Boot
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There is one BIG difference between both camcorders, the CX550 and the NX5. It is the SIZE. I use this to my advantage. When I need to draw attention to the fact that I am seriously recording and when I don't want to draw attention, or when I will be hauling a camcorder around all day, I make my pick.
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Old May 29th, 2010, 03:27 AM   #13
New Boot
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Looks like you're right Dave. Video of the 50 here What about that little Sony MC 50? Coach Ruth’s Blog

No phanthom. Boo hoo.
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Old May 29th, 2010, 01:02 PM   #14
Inner Circle
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The MC50 is clearly designed as a "pocket rocket", a small, inconspicuous camera that still can acquire excellent images. I hope it will have a few "enhancements" over the CX550, and while no doubt the firmware will be upgraded, the basic design of the CX550 leaves no room for "hardware" changes that I can see. So they shoot some different color plastic into the mold, I'd expect it to be the same otherwise.

Sony really could use a midrange camera IMO, something between the high end consumer cam and the NX. Something say to replace the FX7, but with XLR, etc... There's a big gap there. The CX550 is a nice little camera though, they definitely got it pretty well right (I'm still scratching my head at the tripod screw location... but other than that all seems pretty refined).
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Old May 29th, 2010, 04:29 PM   #15
New Boot
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The MC50 is on preorder here: Creative Video Sony HXR-MC50E (HXRMC50E, HXR MC50) compact handheld AVCHD Solid State Camcorder - Includes 2 Year Sony Warranty
Specs and a picture too. Interesting..
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