Here's your $900 playback deck 24F/ 30F Frame mode at
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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old February 6th, 2006, 12:37 AM   #1
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Here's your $900 playback deck 24F/ 30F Frame mode

I have been trying different options other than using my XL H1 for capturing to FCP. So far I don't like the Firestore for many reasons and I prefer not to use the XL H1 as a deck. Has anyone used the Sony HC1 as a deck from XL H1 recorded tapes? Are these 2 compatible for playback via firewire into FCP5.

Note from Admin:

The answer here is either the Canon HV10, HV20, HV30 or HV40 consumer HDV
camcorder. But feel free to continue reading this entire thread if you really want to!
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Old February 6th, 2006, 02:42 AM   #2
Barry Wan Kenobi
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For 60i, yes.

For 24F and 30F, no.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 02:54 AM   #3
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Maybe you should wait few weeks for the Sony HC3, wich should be smaller and cheaper than the HC1, rumors said...
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Old February 6th, 2006, 05:12 PM   #4
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Thanks Barry. Ronan that's exactly what i'll do. Kind of ironic that I purchased Canon's latest state of the art only to have to buy a Sony camera so I don't wear the head on my Canon!
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Old February 11th, 2006, 11:11 AM   #5
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XL H1 input to Dvc Pro 50 SD deck

Originally Posted by Vince Gaffney
i spent the day on a stage shooting product demos with the H1. we used the camera to feed a dvcpro 50 deck component and 4x3. i can tell you that the quality of the image was very close, almost indistinguishable to shooting with the sdx900. we had to match footage that was shot with the panasonic on the last batch of these commercials.

tommorrow we wil be shooting a ton of green screen in the same manner. H1 to dvcpro 50 deck component.

this camera handles SD beautifully in a controlled environment. again, i cannot over emphasize that the workflow options were the number one reason i bought it and i do not regret it for a second.

Vince or anybody that knows. Specifically how did you do this? I was just wondering if this was possible. DvcPro 50 is the ultimate SD format and I wanted to record from the XL H1 to the AJ-D93 or AJ-D92 Panny decks. Did you output from the HD-SDI or other output and was it a 4.2.2 signal?
Barry Gregg
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Old February 11th, 2006, 11:16 AM   #6
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If you read his post you can see that he gives you the answer on your question already:

we used the camera to feed a dvcpro 50 deck component and 4x3.
The SDI signal is indeed 4:2:2 by 8 bit, so if you got a DVCpro deck with SDI in, this is the option.
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Old February 11th, 2006, 11:42 AM   #7
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Here is how we did it. Component out to sd93 component input. Audio either from the mixer to analog in the deck or through the camera to the deck. There was a bit of confusion on the best approach to this and we did encounter some sync issues. I believe that the TC from the camera to the deck with the audio and video from the camea to the deck is the proper set-up.

The comp. video output is 480 60i in SD mode regardless of the frame rate selected on the camera - same with the SDi output. As far as I know, the component out put is 4:2:2. I'll find out for sure when i go to build my composites.

Overall, the camera perfromed flawlessly. It was left on for about 16 hours over 2 days. We never recorded in camera. I had the Anton Bauer adapter and the power meter on an A/B brick indicated a full charge for the entire duration.

There is so much this camera can do that it is really astounding. I hope to discover 50% over the next few months.

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Old February 21st, 2006, 02:17 PM   #8
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Using XL-H1 as a deck for 24F

Hey guys,

I have an event shoot this coming week were I will have to shoot a couple hours in HDV 24F. Now I know I will have to use my H1 as a deck to import the footage into my G5 and convert it to DVCProHD for 23.98 editing. I never really used my cameras as a deck (I know this is bad) but I have no choice this time around.

Generally, how long is too long for using a camera as a deck? Or should I say, how fast do the heads wear and tear using it as a deck? I hate doing this, but I have no other way to import my footage.

My camera is brand new ... so I'd like to keep it as well kept as possible.
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Old February 21st, 2006, 04:18 PM   #9
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Michael, while it's not a great idea for the long term, it certainly won't hurt doing it for a while. Afterall, anyone who is capturing 24F footage right now has no other option than to use the camera as a deck.

It won't hurt...but let's hope a new HDV deck is out soon.

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Old February 21st, 2006, 06:29 PM   #10
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You should try it out before using it for workflow reasons. Capture Now in Final Cut seems to work the best since the HDV timecode doesn't always get found if you log clips with handles.
As for the wear issue it is eventually going to show up as a repair. I just don't like trying to explain to clients that the more expensive camera is also a two day rental for each day of footage generated if the post house doesn't own one as well for playback.
Eventually the Hard drive solution might be the best thing for all concerned but HDV isn't quite as straight forward a path as DV was.
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Old March 7th, 2006, 09:43 PM   #11
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Play in a Sony Deck?

Hey guys, I want to do a short I'm shooting in Avid Mac Xpress Pro, if I were to shoot in 50i, which is a 30 frame format as I understand, would I be able to put the tape in a SOny DSR-1500A, and digitize it at DV 25? I know I lose resolution, but I'll just redig when Avid releases the updated software for HDV. I've used FCP in the past, and I prefer to cut on Avid. Thank you for the advice. Any other thoughts on shooting rez, or other ideas that you think would help would be appreciated.
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Old March 8th, 2006, 02:21 AM   #12
Barry Wan Kenobi
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If you shoot DV, then you could play it back on that DV deck.

If you shoot HDV, no you can't play that back on a DV deck. The tape is the same physical tape, but the format is entirely different, and a DV deck will have no clue what to do with an HDV tape.
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Old March 8th, 2006, 03:55 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Brad Schreiber
... if I were to shoot in 50i, which is a 30 frame format as I understand...
50i is a PAL 25 frame format. 60i a NTSC 30 frame.
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Old March 9th, 2006, 01:01 AM   #14
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Dub from XLH1 to Sony Deck

I had an idea for making offline editing dubs myself, thought I'd throw it out to the fellas here. Would it be possible to go out via firewire or SDI from the XLH1 to a Sony DSR-1500A, genlock it so the TC remains the same, and record to a DVCAM on the DSR-1500A? This may be lunacy, or it may be a sound premise, if anyone has any thoughts I would appreciate it, and will try this in the near future.
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Old March 9th, 2006, 02:50 AM   #15
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I would do FireWire, It should work out for DV then.
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