How to convert anaglyph to side by side? - Page 2 at
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Old January 23rd, 2011, 10:50 AM   #16
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Here you go...

AviSynth Code for De-Anaglyph.

The de-anaglyph program on Peter's site is great, but too slow to process a movie.
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Old January 23rd, 2011, 11:38 AM   #17
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I know it already but it is under construction yet and just for SD.
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Old January 23rd, 2011, 11:44 AM   #18
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Thanks a lot Tony.
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Old January 24th, 2011, 06:13 PM   #19
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I can't correct the ghost effect on the right image.
The left video is the original full-color 2D and the right video is the anaglyph.
I suppose i have to fix it with leakcorrect but i couldn't yet.

#	VSA-DeAna.avs
#	Tone at
#	V 0.9	June 27, 2010

# Setup our input files
anaglyphName = "C:\test\VSA.wmv"	# Anaglyph video
PureColName = "C:\test\VSA-2D.wmv"	# Video with color info (either Anaglyph or 2D)
monoName = "C:\test\VSA-2D.wmv"	# Possible 2D video for one eye, if not set to "nothing"
SoundName = "C:\test\VSA-2D.wmv"	# Video with the sound track we want

# Anaglyph input format, either RC or GM, i.e red/cyan or green/magenta
inputFormat = "RC"

# Maybe we already have one eye's version in 2D already,
# i.e. the DVD or BR has both 2D and 3D versions
# Set to: monoRight or monoLeft or monoNone
isMono = "monoLeft"

# Swap eyes: either Yes or No
# Note: it is industry standard to put Red on the left eye for RC glasses
# and Green on the left eye for GM glasses
# It would be unusual to set this parameter to Yes
# since the un-swapped arrangement is either Red=Left or Green=Left
swapAnaglyph = "No"

# Output formatting:
# Choices are:
#	SBS_Left_First, SBS_Right_First, TB_Left_Top, TB_Right_Top
# Meaning Side-by-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom (TB)
# And choosing which eye is in which position
# This happens after the optional swap (above)
# and is somewhat redundant, but makes the eye choices clearer.
outputFormat = "SBS_Left_First"

# Resize the output video? Either Yes or No
# If set to No, then the output video is either
# twice the width of the input (for SBS)
# or twice the height of the input (for TB)
outputResize = "No"

# If we are resizing the output, specify the dimensions (Int)
# These dimensions apply to the stacked video size
outputWidth = 500
outputHeight = 200

# In case one anaglyph eye has leaked into the other
# We can try to remove that leakage by subtraction
# Expressed as percentage (int or float) (-100 to 100) (0 means none)
leakCorrectR = 0    # Leakage of left into the right eye
leakCorrectL = 0	# Leakage of right into the left eye

# How much to blur the color information (Int or Float)
# This is done by shrinking the color video down in size
# and then resizing it back up to full resolution
# producing a blurred full resolution image
# The two decimate numbers are expressed as percentages
# i.e. a percentage of the full resolution to calculate
# the shrunk size. 100 means no shrink, 10 means 1/10 the
# resolution of the original, etc.
# Anaglyphs are only offset horizontally, so the color blur
# should be strong horizontally, but weak vertically
# For films where the cameras were misaligned vertically
# you will need to make the vertical blur greater.
decimateHoriz = 100	# Horizontal shrinkage
decimateVert = 100	# Vertical shrinkage - can usually be much bigger than decimateHoriz

# Final brightness and contrast adjustments
tweakBrightL = 0	# Left brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContL = 1.0	# Left contrast adjustment (1.0 means no contrast adjustment)
tweakSatL = 1.0	# Left saturation adjustment (1.0 means no saturation adjustment)

tweakBrightR = -5	# Right brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContR = 1.2	# Right contrast adjustment
tweakSatR = 1.1	# Right saturation adjustment

# Option to horizontally blur the left and right videos,
# just before the color is restored (before optional LR swap)
# Helps remove some of the fringing that appears in poor DVD encodes
# Set to exactly 1.0 for no processing (faster!!),
# > 1.0 blurs... try 1.5 to 4.0
blurLeft = 1.0
blurRight = 1.0

# Common code to do the conversion
# Make sure this file path points to
# the file on your system.
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Old January 29th, 2011, 06:01 PM   #20
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What format is the original Anaglyph? DVD? How did it become a WMV?

Are you 100% certain that the 2D and 3D videos are exactly synchronized?

You need to set decimateHoriz to about 6 or 8 (not 100), and decimateVert to between 10 or 20 for decent results.
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Old January 30th, 2011, 07:48 AM   #21
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Thanks Tony.

I think i made a mistake while making "copy-past"; original was like this:

decimateHoriz = 6.0 # Horizontal shrinkage
decimateVert = 8.0 # Vertical shrinkag
The file was a downloaded "wmv" (2D+3D versions)
BTW i'm not 100% certain that the 2D and 3D videos are exactly synchronized.

Anyway i should try with a real 3D DVD.

Thanks again
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Old January 30th, 2011, 06:44 PM   #22
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Conversion from DVD


Here's a couple of frames converted from "Journey To The Center Of The Earth" DVD. Left is on top (converted) and right is on the bottom (from the 2D version.) The 3D anaglyph source is Green-Magenta, thus the converted left image is derived from the luminance of the Green and chroma from the 2D. All conversion parameters are at a neutral setting except that the left saturation is 1.2. decimateHoriz = 8, and decimateVert = 16.

The most important thing is that I have not re-compressed the DVD video before the conversion. Both the 2D and 3D DVDs were extracted to MPEG2 with VOB2MPG, which does not recompress. This is why I asked about your WMV. Every time the anaglyph is compressed, the colors are distorted and it becomes very hard to recover the left and right luminance videos because a simple Green or Magenta filter won't work with distorted colors.

If you look carefully at the left (top) images, you will see that the conversion is not perfect, but in motion, the flaws are less noticeable.
Attached Thumbnails
How to convert anaglyph to side by side?-journey-3.jpg   How to convert anaglyph to side by side?-journey-4.jpg  

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Old January 31st, 2011, 04:31 PM   #23
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Tony, thanks for your valuable feedback.
I've been waiting a post which includes a 3D/2D DVD (My Bloody Valentine.)
I'll report back in a week, i hope.

FYI:Those wmv files were original files, not re-encoded files.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 06:13 PM   #24
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Dunno what the problem is but VirtualDubMod gives this error::

Here is my AVS:
# XX-DeAna.avs
# Tone at
# V 0.9 June 27, 2010

# Setup our input files
anaglyphName = "C:\users\rica\desktop\MBV\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.mpg" # Anaglyph video
PureColName = "C:\MBV\VIDEO_TS\test.mpg" # Anaglyph video"# Video with color info (either Anaglyph or 2D)
monoName = "C:\MBV\VIDEO_TS\test.mpg" # Possible 2D video for one eye, if not set to "nothing"
SoundName = "C:\MBV\VIDEO_TS\test.mpg" # Video with the sound track we want

# Anaglyph input format, either RC or GM, i.e red/cyan or green/magenta
inputFormat = "RC"

# Maybe we already have one eye's version in 2D already,
# i.e. the DVD or BR has both 2D and 3D versions
# Set to: monoRight or monoLeft or monoNone
isMono = "monoLeft"

# Swap eyes: either Yes or No
# Note: it is industry standard to put Red on the left eye for RC glasses
# and Green on the left eye for GM glasses
# It would be unusual to set this parameter to Yes
# since the un-swapped arrangement is either Red=Left or Green=Left
swapAnaglyph = "Yes"

# Output formatting:
# Choices are:
#SBS_Left_First, SBS_Right_First, TB_Left_Top, TB_Right_Top
# Meaning Side-by-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom (TB)
# And choosing which eye is in which position
# This happens after the optional swap (above)
# and is somewhat redundant, but makes the eye choices clearer.

outputFormat = "SBS_Left_First"

# Resize the output video? Either Yes or No
# If set to No, then the output video is either
# twice the width of the input (for SBS)
# or twice the height of the input (for TB)

outputResize = "No"

# If we are resizing the output, specify the dimensions (Int)
# These dimensions apply to the stacked video size
outputWidth = 500
outputHeight = 200

# In case one anaglyph eye has leaked into the other
# We can try to remove that leakage by subtraction
# Expressed as percentage (int or float) (-100 to 100) (0 means none)
leakCorrectR = 0 # Leakage of left into the right eye
leakCorrectL = 0 # Leakage of right into the left eye

# How much to blur the color information (Int or Float)
# This is done by shrinking the color video down in size
# and then resizing it back up to full resolution
# producing a blurred full resolution image
# The two decimate numbers are expressed as percentages
# i.e. a percentage of the full resolution to calculate
# the shrunk size. 100 means no shrink, 10 means 1/10 the
# resolution of the original, etc.
# Anaglyphs are only offset horizontally, so the color blur
# should be strong horizontally, but weak vertically
# For films where the cameras were misaligned vertically
# you will need to make the vertical blur greater.
decimateHoriz = 8.0 # Horizontal shrinkage
decimateVert = 20.0 # Vertical shrinkage - can usually be much bigger than decimateHoriz

# Final brightness and contrast adjustments
tweakBrightL = 0 # Left brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContL = 1.0 # Left contrast adjustment (1.0 means no contrast adjustment)
tweakSatL = 1.0 # Left saturation adjustment (1.0 means no saturation adjustment)

tweakBrightR = -30 # Right brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContR = 1.2 # Right contrast adjustment
tweakSatR = 1.5 # Right saturation adjustment

# Option to horizontally blur the left and right videos,
# just before the color is restored (before optional LR swap)
# Helps remove some of the fringing that appears in poor DVD encodes
# Set to exactly 1.0 for no processing (faster!!),
# > 1.0 blurs... try 1.5 to 4.0
blurLeft = 1.0
blurRight = 1.0

# Common code to do the conversion
# Make sure this file path points to
# the file on your system.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 08:08 PM   #25
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Audio decoder

Looks like you don't have the proper Windows DirectShow decoder for your audio file installed on your system.

Probably AC3 format.

Try: AC-3 ACM Codec

(also attached to this post)
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Old February 5th, 2011, 06:01 PM   #26
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Thanks Tony, i seem to forget how to use VirtualDubMod.

Btw, i've been trying with some 3D DVDs for two days.
What's interesting here is i get playing loops everytime.
For instance if the normal clip leght is 04:40, i get 10:00 minute clip.
Final Clip Lenght must be as original clip lenght but i get double lenght.
Lets say original clip is 04:40 but the final clip is:

=(00:00-00:04:40) + (02:30-04:40) + (03:58-04:40) + (04:14-04:40) =10:00

Please have a look at this sample encode; i can't figure out. (ofcourse i see the same effect on VirtualDubMod or GraphStudio.)


Here is my avs:

# Setup our input files
anaglyphName = "C:\test_3\mbv_cut.mpg" # Anaglyph video

PureColName = "C:\test_3\mbv-2D_cut.mpg" # Video with color info (either Anaglyph or 2D)

monoName = "C:\test_3\mbv-2D_cut.mpg" # Possible 2D video for one eye, if not set to "nothing

SoundName = "C:\test_3\mbv-2D_cut.mpg" # Video with the sound track we want

# Anaglyph input format, either RC or GM, i.e red/cyan or green/magenta
inputFormat = "RC"

isMono = "monoLeft"

swapAnaglyph = "No"

outputFormat = "SBS_Left_First"

#outputResize = "No"

leakCorrectR = 0 # Leakage of left into the right eye
leakCorrectL = 0 # Leakage of right into the left eye

#decimateHoriz = 8.0 # Horizontal shrinkage
decimateVert = 6.0 # Vertical shrinkage - can usually be much bigger than decimateHoriz

# Final brightness and contrast adjustments
tweakBrightL = 0 # Left brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContL = 1.0 # Left contrast adjustment (1.0 means no contrast adjustment)
tweakSatL = 1.0 # Left saturation adjustment (1.0 means no saturation adjustment)

tweakBrightR = -30 # Right brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContR = 1.2 # Right contrast adjustment
tweakSatR = 1.5 # Right saturation adjustment

blurLeft = 1.0
blurRight = 1.0


Here is my encode:

C:\test_3>x264 --fps 30000/1001 --level 3.1 --sar 1:1 --aud -o Mbv_out.264 Mbv-DeAna.avs

[mpeg @ 02a77480] max_analyze_duration reached
[mpeg @ 0388e150] max_analyze_duration reached
[mpeg @ 03911230] max_analyze_duration reached
[mpeg @ 03a22870] max_analyze_duration reached
[mpeg @ 03a1f880] max_analyze_duration reached
[mpeg @ 0c2ef010] max_analyze_duration reached
[mpeg @ 02afe900] max_analyze_duration reached
[mpeg @ 0c3f22e0] max_analyze_duration reached
[mpeg @ 03d97180] max_analyze_duration reached
avs [info]: 1440x480p 1:1 @ 10000000/166833 fps (cfr)
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 FastShuffle SSE4.2
x264 [info]: profile High, level 3.1
x264 [info]: frame I:127   Avg QP:19.10  size: 41291
x264 [info]: frame P:6911  Avg QP:23.61  size: 10267
x264 [info]: frame B:10948 Avg QP:25.86  size:  2286
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 10.2% 20.4% 16.2% 53.1%
x264 [info]: mb I  I16..4: 28.4% 58.0% 13.6%
x264 [info]: mb P  I16..4:  3.1%  4.0%  0.6%  P16..4: 36.8% 11.2%  6.2%  0.0%  0
.0%    skip:38.1%
x264 [info]: mb B  I16..4:  0.2%  0.1%  0.0%  B16..8: 35.1%  2.0%  0.3%  direct:
 0.6%  skip:61.7%  L0:39.0% L1:56.7% BI: 4.4%
x264 [info]: 8x8 transform intra:52.4% inter:81.2%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 44.0% 44.8% 17.3% inter: 11.2% 10.9% 0.4%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 69% 15%  5% 12%
x264 [info]: i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 24% 11% 27%  5%  6%  8%  5%  7%  6%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 32% 15% 20%  5%  7%  7%  5%  5%  4%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 57% 14% 24%  5%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:6.1% UV:4.0%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 62.9% 16.3% 15.6%  5.0%  0.2%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 88.9%  9.7%  1.4%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 95.5%  4.5%
x264 [info]: kb/s:1349.36

encoded 17986 frames, 20.97 fps, 1349.36 kb/s

Thanks in advance. (btw, i didn't tweak well.)

EDIT: Tony, how to modify XX-DeAna.avs and Ana_Extract.avs if i don't want to use audio? (it's better to re-mux later imo)

EDIT: I used VOB2MPG for extraction of whole mpg and used VideoReDo Plus for frame accurate cutting.

Last edited by Seref Halulu; February 6th, 2011 at 12:30 PM.
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Old February 6th, 2011, 01:01 PM   #27
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Getting closer!!

Several things...

1.) To get rid of the audio just comment out the last line in AnaExtract.avs

# Dub in the sound
# AudioDub(vidsound)

2.) For My Bloody Valentine, the 2D version is the right eye view. The sample you sent me used the 2D as left eye, and then converted another copy of the left eye to produce the right; thus no stereo!

So.... you want: isMono = "monoRight"

3.) The monoRight setting revealed a software bug in AnaExtract.avs. I have attached an updated version which fixes the bug. Sorry!

4.) I'm not sure about the "repeating" problem. It probably has something to do with your source files. Perhaps one is longer than the other. If you want to send me the two source files, I'll take a look.

5.) With MBV you can set decimateVert = 20.0 or more. This will help with the color bleeding on the converted left image.

All the best,

Attached Files
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Old February 6th, 2011, 01:37 PM   #28
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Thanks Tony.

I've just started uploading files. (takes 2 hours for both)

Meanwhile i gave it a go with the whole movie and i checked the frame numbers and the durations seperately; both 144.089 frames and the duration (1:40:09:712). (used VideoReDo Plus for frame accurate cutting.)

Two findings :
1) EDIT:Sorry it's false information. (i had to trim)
2) VirtualDubMod or GraphStudio crashes when trying to open new full movie avs while MeGui opens the same avs without any problem.
When i check what MeGui is using i saw LAVF directShow Source Filter.

I will check out with the new parameter avs and new core AnaExtract avs.

(BTW how do you understand whether 2D is right or left?)

Thanks for everything.


EDIT: No crash anymore with VirtualDubMod: i used new AnaExtract.avs and revised parameter avs.(the whole movie) THX

Here is the new parameter avs: (Mbv-DeAna.avs)
# Setup our input files
anaglyphName = "C:\test_4\mbv_longcut.mpg" # Anaglyph video

PureColName = "C:\test_4\mbv2D_longcut.mpg" # Video with color info (either Anaglyph or 2D)

monoName = "C:\test_4\mbv2D_longcut.mpg" # Possible 2D video for one eye, if not set to "nothing

SoundName = "C:\test_4\mbv2D_longcut.mpg" # Video with the sound track we want

# Anaglyph input format, either RC or GM, i.e red/cyan or green/magenta
inputFormat = "RC"

isMono = "monoRight"

swapAnaglyph = "No"

outputFormat = "SBS_Left_First"

outputResize = "No"

leakCorrectR = 0 # Leakage of left into the right eye
leakCorrectL = 0 # Leakage of right into the left eye

decimateHoriz = 8.0 # Horizontal shrinkage
decimateVert = 20.0 # Vertical shrinkage - can usually be much bigger than decimateHoriz

# Final brightness and contrast adjustments
tweakBrightL = 0 # Left brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContL = 1.0 # Left contrast adjustment (1.0 means no contrast adjustment)
tweakSatL = 1.0 # Left saturation adjustment (1.0 means no saturation adjustment)

tweakBrightR = -5 # Right brightness, integer to add to each pixel (pixels are 0-255)
tweakContR = 1.0 # Right contrast adjustment
tweakSatR = 1.5 # Right saturation adjustment

blurLeft = 1.0
blurRight = 1.0



Last edited by Seref Halulu; February 6th, 2011 at 02:17 PM.
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Old February 6th, 2011, 02:02 PM   #29
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Which side is 2D

It is fairly easy to see whether the 2D version is left or right.

Load up the anaglyph version in any media player and find a frame where there is a good 3D effect. Put on your anaglyph glasses. You'll notice that your right eye can "look around" the right edge of objects in the foreground and see parts of the background that are hidden from your left eye. Do the same thing with your left eye "looking around" the left edge of foreground objects. Remember what was hidden from one eye, but visible to the other eye.

Then load up the 2D version and seek to the same frame. You should be able to notice what is hidden behind the foreground object and compare this to the left and right anaglyph views that you previously observed. The 2D version should match either the left or right anaglyph view. Then you will know.

If you have some video editing software (Premiere, After Effects, Vegas, etc...) you can just stack the 2D and the Anaglyph versions on two timeline layers, being certain that the two videos are synchronized. Put on your anaglyph glasses and turn on and off one of the layers until you figure out whether the 2D matches the left or right anaglyph view.

Be aware than some media players and editors have trouble accurately seeking to a specific timecode with MPEG2. You may just have to let it play from the beginning and just pause the player at a good 3D effect.
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Old February 6th, 2011, 02:22 PM   #30
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Thanks a lot for detailed explanation.

Here are the source files:


But unfortunately, after encoding to x264, i have again "repeating problem" which i stated on post 26. (even i used new parameter avs and new Ana-Extract.)
Lets say original clip is 04:40 but the final clip is:

=(00:00-00:04:40) + (02:30-04:40) + (03:58-04:40) + (04:14-04:40) =10:00
Please have a look at.

EDIT:Even i seperated left and right (with Adam's tool) and re-encode them seperately to x264 and avi. After encoding i get loop. I don't understand "how this happens" at all?

_ _ _ _

Last edited by Seref Halulu; February 6th, 2011 at 04:56 PM.
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