Programming the HD1/10/PD1 Firmware to improve the camera, and Sony uncomp HD output. at
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Old December 18th, 2004, 11:03 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Programming the HD1/10/PD1 Firmware to improve the camera, and Sony uncomp HD output.

What a day, after findout about the Sony's HD output, I haved just found a Link to programming the JVC HD/PD series from a link over at camcorder info.

Very unclear (in multiple langauages) but it talks about programming it in the Toas language, the hidden programming port near the firewire, programming and flash, 24fps, and HD.

Starting a seperate thread about it.
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Old December 18th, 2004, 12:24 PM   #2
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Wayne please how about the original thread I can read and speak French, technicaly better as in literature, with red wine even better sometimes
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Old December 18th, 2004, 12:51 PM   #3
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There is a link in the frame above the page that says "View Original Web Page" or something, also it is embeded in the link above (using reply with quote to see the full link).

My main interrests, is seeing if it possible to pass 720p/hi-res to the component, even uncompressed, 24/25/50fps timing, and adjusting the gain. As I understand it (though I might be wrong) the reason that it has a 35 lux rating is that it has gain restrictions, but when you are in the dark trying to film a doco with this thing that would be no confort.

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Old December 18th, 2004, 04:36 PM   #4
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in fact this thread is dead. it is just a guy claiming to do some tweaks on the HD1 to get it works like the HD10 or getting some hidden function released. he gives some hope and then disappear.
I follow myself this story and write to a japanese guy who was supposed to have some technical info about that, but never got a reply.
I still believe it is possible, but probably given the small amount of camera sold and the release of the sony model, there are few chances that some skilled techies jump on this JVC stuff.
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Old December 20th, 2004, 06:15 PM   #5
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Yes the thread ended a while ago, but I thought some people in this forum might be interested in this sort of stuff, the PD1 and the HD1 should be $1000 before you know it and a number of people own them, so maybe somebody would like to do it. Any body is welcome to link to this from JVC/HDV threads, they might be interested. But still proof in pudding of what canbe done.

I haven't got around to reading the whole thread myself yet, but wasn't the Japanese guy some sort of employee of JVC, and then hushed up?

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Old December 27th, 2004, 03:46 AM   #6
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I have read a fuller translation of the thread, but it is so bad that it is very difficult to follow what has happened. It looks like at least one person was doing something with the camera, involving another person, then "somebody" put the breaks on it, and hushed it up.

It would be good if somebody could offer an accurte English "hit by hit" summary of what happened, who was involved and technical details. The Frenchglish mixture of French, technical terms and English terms really messes with the translator.

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Old December 27th, 2004, 09:30 AM   #7
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HD 24/25fps

OK, I have found a further, earlier thread. It claims 24/25fps firmware update with firewire HD out for Japanese PD1. The guy has seen it demoed in Japan. I am reasonably sure there is no Japanese PD1 and he must mean HD1, or something.

I am still trying to confirm, but it appears that the movie chap saw it, Barth must work for some company, possibly JVC on it.

If all is so, then I think the one chip replacement HD1 could be very easy to do for JVC. I expect the price of the HD1 might even hit $1000 by then, so still an interesting mod.
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Old December 29th, 2004, 02:22 PM   #8
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Dear Wayne
i only can tell you
living since 1991 in France
ther eare good ideas, dreams sorry for that
a lot of noise and suddenly nothing at all !!
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Old December 31st, 2004, 10:01 AM   #9
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Sorry Ronald, your breaking up, I'm guessing your saying they had a good idea, people made a lot of niose then the idea fizzeled out. How I read it is that they had a good idea, made real progress, then it was hushed up and everything died as people gave up on it?
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Old December 31st, 2004, 08:25 PM   #10
Inner Circle
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no , the guy says it has played with some firmware, and let understand (but not fr sure) that he get some result.
then he says he leaves for a while (holidays) and never came back.
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Old January 1st, 2005, 03:05 PM   #11
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On of them, on the second thread, says he has used the Japanese version doing 720p 24fps, there also was some contact doing firmware stuff in the first thread. But unless we can raise one of these people to question them, I think there is little we can do. I have emailed weex's, who seems to be a third party, and not one of the ones that dissapeared, but have got no reply.

So I give up.


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