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Techniques for Independent Production
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Old August 11th, 2004, 09:57 PM   #1
Regular Crew
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Saving Private Ryan speedy look

Im sure this has been posted before somewhere else, but just to clarify for other users' searches, you can obtain a Saving Private Ryan hasty suspenseful action look by turning up your shutter speed to its absolute maximum speed, then to compensate for the light change, open your iris accordingly to fit your lighting needs. Also, by opening your iris, you will achieve a semi-shallow DOF helping you keep the subject in a more defined focus for the shot. Hope this helps someone.

p.s. I achieved this look with my Canon XL1s on frame mode. With OIS both on and off, different effects were achieved, yet remaining hectic looking with the high shutter speed.

edit: oh dear god in heaven, I just read a few threads down exactly what I was talking about, darn subconscious remembering things and making me a fool! Anywho, this thread should still be useful for those who use the search! Sorry about the repost of info!!!
The only thing worse than quitting is being afraid to start. Get off your bum and go shoot something!
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Old August 14th, 2004, 11:02 AM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: Apr 2003
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another thing to remember for SPR, is to run a "bleaching" process thru colour corrction..

films that use similar techniques/"tints" are the likes of Black Hawk Down, Minority report, Matrix, Blade2 etc etc

I thnk a shuter of 1/250 is sufficient.. i wouldnt hit the 1/1000 as its really not needed...
Peter Jefferson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 19th, 2004, 09:22 PM   #3
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Posts: 115
I have just shot several action scenes (sword fighting) using this technique (shutter set at 1/250). All my dialogue scenes I shot at 1/60 (frame mode on both). When I got back to the studio and watched the dailies (how do you spell that), I noticed something strange. All the dialogue looked, fake. It was incredibly "video". I had excellent DOF, yet at 1/60, it still looked like I shot on DV (and heaven knows we dont want that!)

Then something more interesting happened. One single dialog shot, I accidentally had left the camera overcranked from an earlier action shot, and boom! It was filmic. Very filmic. So filmic indeed, that I did a reshoot for all the dialogue at 1/250. I watched the footage, and even the shots that did NOT have super DOF, STILL looked filmic. IT was GREAT! I recommend trying this technique at some point in your film.

Best part is, now I have both, and so someday when I get to the editing bay, I can do side by side comparisons, and post the results.

Take Care.
Jonathan Stanley is offline   Reply

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