New Sanyo DMX-CG65 has h264 at
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(MPG4) Sanyo Xacti (all models)
A compact 720p MPEG4 digital media camera recording to SD Card.

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Old March 13th, 2007, 10:33 AM   #1
Inner Circle
Join Date: May 2003
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New Sanyo DMX-CG65 has h264

Sanyo has seen the light, and come into the 21st century (personally, I would not mind if they would do VP8 (or was that 7)).

(Google translation seems to work OK on this site fro some reason).
Re-Edit: Google tranlation is nto workign through dvinfo link?

Even thought the data-rate has not improved (I would prefer 6-9Mb/s for SD) it si an improvement. But why couldn't they introduce h264 on the HD2, let's hope the HD2a/HD3 has h264 and 18mb/s or 18mb/s and 50fps, this would be great for the camera, to really make it shine (as well as lower noise and larger latitude).


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Old March 13th, 2007, 11:02 AM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Australia
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Here is another page:,GGGL:en

Also mentions some four company partnership to make the Xacti 2.0 AVC version, can anybody translate the slides?


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