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Sony ENG / EFP Shoulder Mounts
Sony PDW-F800, PDW-700, PDW-850, PXW-X500 (XDCAM HD) and PMW-400, PMW-320 (XDCAM EX).

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Old July 3rd, 2006, 08:15 AM   #1
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PDZ 1 bug ??

I have a problem when I pre edit, my HD clips, with the PDZ 1 software. The software functions correct, until I try to import the full resolution clips.
I can import the proxies make an edit list and trim the clips, but when I try to import, the full res clips, trough FAM, I get a dialog box saying error reading file.

The funny thing is, if I place the clips on the timeline, without setting in and out point, there is no problem importing the full res. clips!

Every other communication, between my pc. and the F330 is running perfect.
I can download and upload files trough FAM as I please.

Is it me or the program, that has the bug?
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Old July 4th, 2006, 10:17 AM   #2
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I take it you are referring to a partial file transfer of the full res files? I think there is a bug as I had the same problem. I've contacted Sony about it and am awaiting a reply.
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Old July 4th, 2006, 10:31 AM   #3
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Yes it is exactly the problem.
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Old July 5th, 2006, 08:35 PM   #4
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Had the same problem myself and told a Sony guy about it. He asked me what bitrate I was running at. He said to try (I haven't yet) 25mb since it's a CBR to find out.

Also Brian and Simon, I find that recording in DVCAM 60i and doing the same thing, the FAM partial file copy works ok.

I also sometimes get INDEX.XML file error. The proxy software is definitely having a few issues but this is what we get for riding the edge of the tech wave.

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Old July 6th, 2006, 03:24 AM   #5
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To get the best quality I record all my footage in 35mbit HD.
Sometimes my clients blow it up on a big screen, with a projector.

It is not a disaster, not to be able to import part of a clip, as I can always import the whole clip. It would be nice though, to save time and disk place!

There is also another thing regarding importing clips trough FAM.
When I just connect my firewire cable and import clips as files, as if it was from another drive, not using PDZ-1.
There seems to be an error in the first gop, which sometimes make trouble importing in Avid.
Playing these clips with the new viewing software also make an error, you have to scrub past the first gop, to play the clip.

Files played from the camera never show the error.
Files played/imported with PDZ-1 never show the error.

To me it seems, as if the camera is not quite able to start writing to disk, at the beginning of a GOP.
Sony has then made their soft and hardware to ignore this error, but using non Sony products, you get everything including the errors!!

For now, I am using the PDZ-1 software to import the whole clips and everything works fine…

As a last comment, I have never used anything but 35mbit HD, because this feature was one of the main reasons, for me, to buy the camera in the first place.
Maybe there are no problems in 25mbsek HD and DVCAM, I don’t know!
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Old July 6th, 2006, 03:35 AM   #6
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Hmm, I have copied over 35mbps footage straight over to my hard drive, and I haven't had any problems with playing the footage. I suspect a problem with Avid.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 07:34 AM   #7
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When you move the 35mbit HD clips directly to your pc, without using PDZ-1, does you get a clean picture from the first frame? I don’t, the first frames is often only half and with noise!
In the thumbnails, generated by the XDCAM viewer software, there is a grey band over these clips.
If you don’t sees these errors, maybe there is something wrong with my camera!

It is the worst of these clips Avid don’t like and the viewer software doesn’t play automatically.
It’s like the first I-Frame is missing.
Where there is only noise at the beginning of a clip, Avid will import it.
I think it is a combination of errors in the first frames and Avid not quite up for the job, handling the 35mbit clips

Using the PDZ-1 software, these bad frames don’t seems to be imported, meaning that the footage is clean, from the first frame.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 07:44 AM   #8
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Yep, I get clean frames, no corruption at all.

It sounds like your problem needs further investigation. It could be a problem with your camera, or with Avid.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 07:56 AM   #9
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I think it is the camera then. The errors also shows in the viewer software from Sony and the thumbnails!
But But But when importing trough PDZ-1, no problem with either software and thumbnails…

I will wait and se and talk to a Sony technician about it.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 08:11 AM   #10
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Try another computer first.

My NLE experience tells me that the problems one can experience with Windows can be vast and far-ranging. It's far more likely that there's a DLL mismatch or video driver problem then a broken camera from Sony broadcast, in my opinion.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 10:16 AM   #11
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If you're using Avid Liquid I can tell you I don't see the same thing, the clips import normally. The latest version is 7.1 and there's a service pack for that.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 11:38 AM   #12
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To Nate.

The pc issue was also my first thought.

The strange thing however is, import the file trough PDZ-1 and it will work fine in Avid and everywhere else.

Copy it from the camera and straight to your hard drive and the file has a dead gop in the beginning. Avid will now not import the file and Sony XDCAM viewer software will not start when hitting the play button, but will when scrubbing the slider a little.

To my believe, copying a file between two drives, mean an exact copy of the original.
If, and I say if, this is true. There seems to be some kind of error correcting in PDZ-1.


I am using Avid Liquid 7.1 and have installed the latest update.
To Avids defence, I don’t expect it to do something Sonys own software can’t do.

At the moment I am trying to find an article, that I read a while ago, about the XDCAM and a buffer that holds some seconds, before you hit record.
The article says that the buffer can induce a problem like the one I experience.
Maybe it can be switched on an of?
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Old July 6th, 2006, 11:47 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Brian Bang Jensen
At the moment I am trying to find an article, that I read a while ago, about the XDCAM and a buffer that holds some seconds, before you hit record.The article says that the buffer can induce a problem like the one I experience.

Maybe it can be switched on an off?


That function is only on the XDCAM SD models at the current time. The 330 and 350 don't have it....yet. There was talk, but no promise by a Sony rep that this function might be added in a future firmware upgrade.

Another thing I have found is that if the battery voltage is slipping toward the low end, the fw transfer will get corrupted. So, make sure your battery is fresh if you aren't powering from AC mains.

Greg Boston is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 6th, 2006, 12:14 PM   #14
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Thanks Greg.

That was it, just tried it out, new battery 16V says the LCD, no problem.

I have two 130 Watt PRO-X batteries.
When I come home from shooting, there seems to be enough power left over 14V, so I just plug the camera to the pc and transfer the files I need, and then charge the battery.

From now, it will be a newly charged battery or main supply, when I transfer files.

This thing shows how useful this forum is. I would newer have suspected a battery with 50% left, being the problem.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 12:45 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Brian Bang Jensen
Thanks Greg.

That was it, just tried it out, new battery 16V says the LCD, no problem.

I have two 130 Watt PRO-X batteries.
When I come home from shooting, there seems to be enough power left over 14V, so I just plug the camera to the pc and transfer the files I need, and then charge the battery.

From now, it will be a newly charged battery or main supply, when I transfer files.

This thing shows how useful this forum is. I would newer have suspected a battery with 50% left, being the problem.
They claim the camera will function from 11-17 vdc. But apparently that isn't exactly the case.

I am glad it helped you out. It had me scratching my head a few times before I saw the pattern.

Does your charger have a 4 pin XLR output? If so, I would make or get a cable for doing file transfer.

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