PP CS3 > Flash output crashing...this the fix? at DVinfo.net
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Old June 26th, 2008, 08:10 PM   #1
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PP CS3 > Flash output crashing...this the fix?

Tried to output a 1/4 size Flash directly from my Premiere CS3 Prospect 4K output. It crashed twice, so I searched the net for the same error message and got a "fix".

My question is this: Is this a true fix for a bug, or do I simply have duplicate lib files somewhere?

Here's the error message and "fix" (which does work, BTW):

OMP abort: Initializing libguide.lib, but found libguide40.dll already initialized. This can cause performance degradation....Set environment variable KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK=TRUE if you want your program to continue in this case.


1. On the Desktop, Right click on My computer and choose properties
2. Go to the Advanced Tab and click on the environment variables button
3. for the top window (user variables) click New.
4. In variable name enter KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK (all uppercase and include the underscores)
5. In the Variable value enter TRUE (all uppercase)
6. Click ok
7. Do the same thing for second window (system variables)
8. You should not need to restart your computer, just restart your program.
"All in the view of the LION"
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Old June 26th, 2008, 10:37 PM   #2
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On the machine that I had that problem with, I had both PPro2 and CS3 installed ... so my assumption is that there really is a duplicate somewhere.

I haven't rigorously explored that, though, since the fix worked fine.
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Old June 27th, 2008, 08:54 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Graham Hickling View Post
On the machine that I had that problem with, I had both PPro2 and CS3 installed ... so my assumption is that there really is a duplicate somewhere.

I haven't rigorously explored that, though, since the fix worked fine.
But the ws here giving this error doesn't have PP2 on it. Never seen it on our x64 ws (with CS3 on it), but only on this 32bit XP setup.

I've seen numerous other posts in other places for the same prob, including with Encore, AE and other progs. Seems to be an old bug more than a dupllicate file. The complaints go all the way back to 2004...

Until someone smarter comes along and tells us what this REALLY IS, I'm with you and the "fix" works for us too.
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Old June 28th, 2008, 01:45 AM   #4
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Is this a Prospect 4K issue, or reported with Prospect HD as well?
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Old June 28th, 2008, 07:57 AM   #5
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Thank you much, Stephen, for posting this fix. I had this issue with both CS2 and CS3 and just hadn't got around to troubleshooting.

I use Cineform ProspectHD -- so yup, Bob, it is reported with that, too. BUT, I would be interested to know if anyone who doesn't use Cineform at all is having this problem as well. I created a DV project, stuck an MS-DV clip on the timeline. Had no problem when exporting to NTSC 1024, but DID get the crash when I tried exporting to Flash (sorry, don't remember the exact preset). Seems that I've had issues with HD mpeg settings as well, but sorry, at the time I wasn't in troubleshooting mode so didn't write down the details. Anyway, I'm wondering if it is really an inherent issue with Adobe Media Encoder rather than related to Cineform.

Some further background info in case it is help to anyone. On my secondary/everyday computer with CS2 and lots of other software installed including Office 2007, there were two instances of the libguide40.dll file:

C:\\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Audition 2.0 (ver 4, 0, 2004, 729)
C:\\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 7.0\Support Files\Standard\Format\MedioIO (ver 4, 0, 0, 0)

On my main editing box, I briefly had both CS2 and CS3 installed, but whether it was an incompatibility between those versions or the Pixela software* that came with my Canon HF10, I found that AME wouldn't even open despite a lengthy cycle of CS3 uninstall/re-install. Then AME quit coming up in CS2 as well. Without digging too deeply, it did appear that the CS3 install was getting confused because of the presence of CS2.

Even though I had some unfinished projects in CS2, I bit the bullet and completely uninstalled Pixela, CS2, and CS3 including manual folder and registry purges of anything specific to them.

Re-installed CS3 and all was well EXCEPT for this particular AME crash issue. A search of the editing box shows only one instance of libguide40.dll:

C:\\Windows\System32 (ver4.0.2007.602)

But the fix sure did seem to work on that system. Now that Flash is working, I'll be really eager to try out the Encore feature to turn a DVD or BluRay project into a matching menu-driven Flash presentation.
* I reluctantly loaded the Pixela software when I was having difficulty getting good capture of AVCHD video from the camera via Cineform and/or CS3. Turns out that this VERY basic software isn't needed if you have Cineform; the trick is to install the Haali matroska applet so its decoder is on your system, and Cineform will use that. It is documented in the back channels of the Cineform web site and elsewhere in this forum, but not in the current CF user manual.

With the caveat that I haven't shot anything long enough to go beyond the FAT limitations with the HF10 (so I can't say if there might be file splitting issues or not), if you're using CS3 and CF, you don't need to bother to install Pixela. I don't know that it caused the problem on my system -- I actually suspect it was a CS2 vs CS3 issue -- but the hassle I went through to get the Big Applications working, and how basic the Pixela software is, lead me to not take the risk.
Pete Bauer
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Old June 28th, 2008, 09:08 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Pete Bauer View Post
Thank you much, Stephen, for posting this fix. I had this issue with both CS2 and CS3 and just hadn't got around to troubleshooting....
I'm glad it helped someone out, Pete! I had a sneaking hunch others might have encountered the same prob, since this particular ws did't have a lot of other progs on it. I had encountered the problem earlier as well, but since in our workflow we very rarely do Flashes directly from PP3 (usually do full AVI's and rewrap with HDLink to MOV's for use with Flash Professional), I had just ignored it before.

This time, it irritated me, so I tracked it down and found a fix posted. Thanks should really go to the guys that posted it on the ADOBE forum! I just passed it on so any others like ourselves might benefit.

To reiterate what I had mentioned earlier, it does seem to be a legit bug, but something that is not caused by CF. It's probably just a bug clash between some Flash dll loaded into memory for the browsers we use, and the specific dll/exe called by Adobe Encoder or other progs like it. Probably a bad/shortsighted programming code line, buried somewhere in the masses of bloatware we all use!
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Old June 28th, 2008, 09:21 AM   #7
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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Adobe is planning to fix this bug, fingers crossed for CS4. Both CineForm and Adobe use the same Intel threading libraries (for speed), but that needs to be done in a way friendly way to support a plug-in architecture. Whether it is an Adobe or Intel bug is unclear, but we have worked hard on this one, and know we can't fix it from our end (short of removing the OpenMP threading support.) The environment variable setting is a suitable workaround.
David Newman -- web: www.gopro.com
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 08:17 AM   #8
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This does seem to be a problem with Cineform and Adobe together. I've got a fresh install of Adobe CS3 on a freshly built computer and had no problems until I installed Aspect HD and then had the problem on the first try. I could export in every format except Flash. Found this same fix posted over on Adobe's user forums and it worked just fine.
David Beisner
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Old January 19th, 2009, 05:03 PM   #9
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I haven't created any Flash files or rendered out of Premier for a week or so. Then I installed the Neo HD trial in an attempt to get a work flow for the Canon 5D mk II MOV files.

Today, I tried export out of Premier Pro CS3. When I clicked on a clip in the timeline and selected File - Export - Adobe Media Encoder and output to Flash, I got the same error as listed in the above messages... Premier and AME then both crashed.

I tried exporting a movie out of Premier as an MPG file and it crashed with the same error message and crash.

I tried to create a Flash file in Encore CS3 from a previously compiled MPG movie. I got the same error message and Encore crashed.

I've since uninstalled Neo HD but still get the same error message. In the end, I added the environment variable as described in the error message and the problem went away... actually, I guess the problem is now successfully "hidden." I never had these issues before installing the Cineform product. I'd like to be able to get back to "square one". Any ideas how to remove all traces of Cineform so that I'm back to where I started? It seems simply uninstalling it doesn't do that.

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Old January 19th, 2009, 06:55 PM   #10
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System restore, if you have a suitable restore point?

But honestly, I have the environmental variable fix on several of my computers and it has never been the slightest problem, so I would just leave it be. I'd be more worried about the vagaries of trying to reset the system ....
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Old January 19th, 2009, 07:21 PM   #11
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I did think to back up my registry prior to installing Neo HD, and restored the backup after finding the problem... but it seems that wasn't enough. Right now I'm running the system with the environment variable set, but it's still disconcerting that Cineform appears to have broken an otherwise working system.

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Old January 19th, 2009, 07:31 PM   #12
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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It is actually a Intel/Adobe bug, as I explained earlier in the thread, there is a conflict over the way Adobe used (I think in CS4 it is fixed), the Intel threading libraries. Anyone using the same libraries of a newer version would cause the problem. Removing out importer (you did that with the uninstall) and removing libguide40.dll from C:\WINDOWS\system32 would completely reverse the situation. However, we don't remove libguide40.dll by default as that is an Intel redistributable that by have upgraded this component from another app's install. We do what is correct, and blamed for the errors of the big guys.
David Newman -- web: www.gopro.com
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Old January 19th, 2009, 07:47 PM   #13
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Hi David,

I'm trying to get my head around what you wrote. It's confusing me because:

1) My system was not affected by this "bug" prior to Cineform Neo HD being installed.
2) It *is* effected after Cineform Neo HD was installed.
3) It's still affected after Cineform Neo HD was removed.

If I was using updated versions of the libraries, then Neo HD already overwrote them when it was installed, no? I've come to this conclusion based on the assumption that if Neo HD hadn't overwritten them, I'd still be using the same libraries I had before, and I wouldn't be having any problems after uninstalling Neo HD. Either that, or the libraries were never on my computer in the first place, in which case, Neo HD should probably have removed them during the uninstall or warned me that they were not there initially and backed them up somewhere after telling the user about them.

I'm not really complaining or blaming anyone at Cineform, but if a known problem exists, there may be more eloquent ways of dealing with it, rather than just have users "discover" this library issue whenever they try to export a movie.

As it stands, I don't know whether it's safe to delete the file, or not.

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Old January 19th, 2009, 09:25 PM   #14
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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Any application that uses libguide as a plugin to Adobe tools, faced this issue, it is an Adobe bug that I believe they have since fixed (it was in their Flash encoder alone.) If you installed Flash encoder second, you would be blaming it (which would be correct.) We have complained to Intel and Adobe, and those to squabbled for bit amoungst themselves on how to fix the problem. Again we have no control over ther either player actions (Adobe or Intel.) That said, you no longer have the issue, that registry patch is the fix, it enables different versions of the libraries to coexist, I have no idea way Intel didn't default to that behavior. We have done everything else correctly.

P.S. If item 3) happened, there was a file lock, meaning one of you applications was still using the CFHD importer (the only component still using libguide.) Restart, delete all instances of im-CFHD_File_Import.prm from the Program Files/adobe folders. The libguide.dll upgrade is a red herring.
David Newman -- web: www.gopro.com
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