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Canon XL and GL Series DV Camcorders
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Old April 14th, 2006, 08:37 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Dale Guthormsen

I went to brians site and down loaded the clip. I like the Look and I will load that in my xl2 tomarrow and shoot some footage up here in the north where nothing is green yet!!
I do not have a way of posting it but I will get back to you about it!!!
Thank you Dale. I look forward to reading your thoughts on it.
Javier Urena is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 16th, 2006, 04:13 AM   #17
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New files

Hey Javier,

Here are 3 new files.

All were shot at the -3 gain you indicated in the first post. The compression, again, is motion.jpg, and you have to click through a few pages to get to the actual down load.

FILE 1: Recorded with no presets for comparison. Factory default.

FILE 2: Recorded with your configuration from the first post. It is labeled as preset A.

FILE 3: Recorded with a preset I've been toying with for a couple of months. It is labeled as preset B. The settings are listed below.

XL2 preset
Gamma: Cine
Knee: Low
Black: Press
Color Matrix: Cine
Color Gain: +2
Color Phase: +2
Red Gain: +1
Green Gain: 0
Blue Gain: +3
V Detail: Low
Sharpness: -4
Coring: 0
Setup Level: 0
Master Ped: -3
NR: Off
Brian J. Harris is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 16th, 2006, 04:42 PM   #18
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Great preset. I have all 3 open at the same time, and paused at the same section, so I can compare directly.

At first glance, my preset is the most stylized, while yours is the most natural. The default looks a little bland, and although it looks to have good latitude, the highs are already blown out (the clowns face.)

For the specific shot you did (products), I like mine the most because it's eye catching. However, if there were a person's face in there, yours would be the best. Notice the color of the wood cylinders. Yours looks the best and your preset would be great for skin tones.

The other thing I notice is that I don't see a difference between my -6 and your -3 Master Pedestal settings. I think this has to do with the Cine gamma starting at a lower point than the Normal setting.

The challenge is going to be getting a stylized, rich, contrasty look while still keeping the skin tones looking natural. Perhaps playing with the RGB gain controls will help in this.

Anyway, great job. I appreciate your help a lot.
Javier Urena is offline   Reply

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